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Brett stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes. He couldn't register the unfamiliar room and bed he was in for a hot minute. He got up and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

He noticed a figure on the floor to his right. It was Eddy. Still fast asleep.

He reached out and pushed the bangs of Eddy's hair to the side and looked at him pitifully. 'Did he sleep here like that since last night? He could've caught a cold.'

He eyed the clock on the wall. 5 in the morning. He was wide awake having had enough sleep time. He did fall asleep quite early last night.

'Last night?' Realisation dawned on him. The memories came rushing in like a flood and it was overwhelming. He panicked. 'Oh god, please tell me last night was just a weird, freaky dream.'

Eddy moved and groaned in his sleep. He opened his eyes and looked up to Brett and smiled, "Mm.. morning." It was so bright. How was it possible for a person to be so dazzling this early in the morning.


And oh god, his voice. The deep and mellow timbre reminded him of the sounds produced by a cello, weighted yet surprisingly silky. Laced with an unexpected tenderness and warmth in the haziness of the morning evoked all sorts of feelings in Brett. All things considered, it was distracting. And he admittedly thought to himself, shamefully, that it was quite sexy. The way his name rolled off Eddy's tongue made his mind wander to places it definitely shouldn't be. 'Did I just think that my best friend is sexy? I've gone crazy.' He shook his head and snapped out of his unholy thoughts.

"Morning, Eddy. Did you sleep well?"

"To be honest, no. Not really. The floor wasn't exactly the most comfortable place to sleep." He joked lightly as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. The floor sure did a number on his poor back. He got up and stretched his body, slightly revealing his decently toned abs that Brett definitely did not just glanced at. He had been going to the gym recently to make use of his free time.

"Oh, why don't you take the bed and get some more sleep? It's still early."

"Good idea." Eddy climbed onto the bed next to him. Brett was about to leave the bed when a hand on his wrist pulled him back.

"No. Stay." He stared at him with an expression that Brett couldn't decipher. It was then, Brett discovered the weakness he never knew he had. Eddy's puppy eyes.

"It's still early and it's a Saturday. I don't have anything planned. Let's just sleep in."

And neither did Brett. Well, that was not entirely true. He had an assignment due by the end of this week but that could wait. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning with his favourite person seemed much more appealing at the moment. True enough, he yawned just as he finished his thought.

"Okay.." He lied back down, shifting to make do with the remaining space of the single sized bed.

They have had a lot of sleepovers as kids and sharing a bed was not that unfamiliar to the both of them. However, this situation they found themselves in was new and foreign, neither knew how to act.

Brett stared at the ceiling, not daring to look any other way or move around.

"It's cold." Eddy pulled the blanket over himself. The warmth of the other immediately engulfed him.

Their faces were merely centimetres apart. Brett spoke, very softly, not wanting to break the fragility of the moment, "Ed, you awake?"

Eddy opened his eyes sleepily and looked at Brett, "Yeah. What's up?"

There was silence before he hesitantly spoke.

"I don't know what else to say. I guess I should apologise first for getting mad and lashing out like that. You were right. If I had problems, I should just talk it out."

Eddy hummed in response to show that he was listening, even though sleep heavily lined his eyes.

"So about last night.. I said some things.. I've been having these feelings that I myself couldn't comprehend. Whenever I try to get to the root of it, it always comes down to you. I suppose you should know that I think about you all the time." Brett played with the hem of the blanket awkwardly, trying to distract himself as he spoke.

Eddy hummed and smiled. Quite mischievously. 'How has he not noticed yet? These are such obvious signs.' The shorter of the two stared at Eddy curiously.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Brett. Now, correct me if I'm wrong."


"So you've been thinking about me a lot lately?"

".. yeah."

"And you get this warm and fuzzy feeling in your chest whenever you do so?"

"...... yeah."

"I don't know for sure but that sounds like you actually like me." He gave Brett a cheeky little sleepy grin.

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