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In terms of video game skills, Eddy wasn't that much better than Brett. But how on earth was he beating him at every round of Mario Kart they have played throughout this evening? Figuring that out was beyond him. As of now, he was at 2nd place. Eddy's go-kart was just in his line of sight. Perhaps this was the round that he would finally beat Eddy.

He noticed Eddy had picked up a red shell (of course, it just had to be red) and he panicked. "No, Eddy. Please. You can't be serious."

"Sorry, Brett. All is fair in love and war." He smirked apologetically, quite condescending if Brett would say so himself, before tapping the button.

"No!" Brett watched helplessly as the shell hit his go-kart knocking it over. The other drivers passed by him as he regained his pace again, leaving him in the last place.

Eddy hollered much to Brett's annoyance when he was in 1st place by a huge margin from all other drivers. Judging from his placement and the laps left, he wasn't going to win. Not even 2nd place.

He grinned as an idea struck him. Sure, it wasn't a good idea but he needed to win at least once to feel better about himself. Call it dirty, but Brett was desperate.

He peered over to Eddy, completely focused on the game. Now was his chance.

He sneakily reached out his hand and poked the side of Eddy's torso, causing him to scream out loud. Nearly dropping his controller as he did so.

One of Eddy's weaknesses, aside from cockroaches— tickles.

Brett laughed at his exaggerated reaction and continued his focus on the game.

"What the hell?! That's not fair!"

"As you said Eddy, and I quote, "All is fair in love and war."" He shrugged casually as he worked his way up the ranks.

Eddy begrudgingly continued the game, he was now in 2nd place with Brett closing in behind him.

It wasn't enough, thought Brett.

I need to knock him down a couple more times.

But Eddy could guess Brett's move now at this point and readied himself for the next tickle attack.

As he expected, Brett reached out his hand once more but Eddy evaded his touch. He grinned smugly, "Hah. You're so easy to read."

Brett huffed. He didn't care anymore at this point. He just wanted Eddy to lose. He lunged at him, discarding his own controller and tickled Eddy mercilessly. He practically screeched at every touch as his body tossed and turned wildly on the couch. "Brett! Stop it!" He laughed breathlessly, trying to push the shorter of the two off him.

"What does it feel to be the loser now?" Brett grinned as he towered over Eddy, straddling his hips. His hands not stopping until he was sure he heard the game end with him and Eddy at the very last place.

"You lose, ha ha." Brett stuck his tongue out childishly.

"You lost too, you know." Eddy laughed at his boyfriend's antics. His chest heaved as he tried to even out his heartbeat. His face was red from all the tickles and his hair was mussed. For a moment, Brett thought Eddy looked hot like this, beneath him, all messed up and out of breath.

"Ah, I'm tired." Brett suddenly said and leaned down to lay on Eddy's chest. He wriggled around until he was comfortable. Eddy let out a soft chuckle and wrapped his arms around the man on top of him.

They laid like that, enjoying the comfortable silence until drowsiness took over, sending them to slumberland.

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