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Well, nothing much had changed. That whole thing that happened between them was almost a month ago.

Since then, Brett and Eddy had been in a much better mood overall. There were little skips in their steps as they walked. The world was suddenly rose coloured, it felt like spring all year round. They felt like they could take on anything that was thrown their way.

The couple have decided to keep it between themselves until further notice. Not that they didn't trust their friends. But they wanted to enjoy this little bubble they were in for just a while longer. And they were loving every moment of it.

One time, Brett was in a discussion with some of his classmates and Eddy just so happened to pass by. They made eye contact in that moment. Being a sneaky little flirt that he was, Eddy blew a kiss and winked at him unnoticed by anyone except Brett himself.

Brett's eye widened at Eddy's daring stunt. It took his entire being not to blush and giggle like an idiot in love in front of his friends. Later on, Eddy got an earful from him about risking revealing their relationship and something about the importance of expressing professionalism at university.

But in the end, he couldn't stay mad for long when Eddy snuggled closer to him. Testing his endurance with apologies and whispers of sweet nothings in his ear. And he melted faster than an ice cream under the hot Australian summer. Followed by a steamy makeout session on the couch and by the end of it he already forgotten what he was mad about in the first place.

There were also other things like smiling over each others' cute "miss you" texts throughout their day and the sharing of secret lingering touches as they passed by each other in the corridors.

It was these little things that bring joy to both of them, and made their stressful university life easier to cope with. The reassuring feeling of someone always having their backs.

Relationships weren't new to the both of them.

They had dated other people in the past. Most of them never really lasted. At most for Eddy was 6 months. It wasn't as devastating as he thought it would be. They bonded through similar interests, that was the reason they started dating in the first place. They had their own expectations of each other and tried to make it work but some things just couldn't be forced. Sometimes people just come and go. Eddy has accepted that as a part of life. She walked out on him, and he let her go.

He still remembered the one thing she said before she left:

"You're a nice guy, Eddy. But I think, we both know that I'm not who you wanted me to be."

It ended on good terms. After few days of being slumped in dejection, he got over it. Thinking back to that moment of his life a year ago, he wondered if he ever cried over losing her at all? Since then, he never really found interest in dating despite his friends' efforts to set him up with guys and girls alike.

But it was really different and new to him when it comes to dating his best friend. He knew Brett like the back of his hand. They had been friends since middle school after all. He knew what he liked and what he didn't. Like his favourite foods, his preferred pieces to listen to when he was having his bath and how lightning startled him very much so Eddy would sit with him till the thunderstorm had passed.

One of Eddy's newest discovery since the start of their relationship and also his current favourite little thing about Brett was how his face would flush at name he affectionately called him. Bretty. How he would respond sweetly to the name and Eddy felt like he was on cloud nine at the bright smile that was meant only for him.

There wasn't really a need to go through a phase where they get to know each other. But of course, there were still much to learn. After all, they've only known each other for most of their lives as best friends. And now they were dating.

The idea of exploring the romantic side of their relationship seemed so thrilling and so far, it looked like everything was going well. It was intimidating at the start, if he were to be honest. Brett wasn't exactly always open to trying new things.

But that was all the more reason he wanted to try. He wanted to get to know things he never knew before about the other man. And Eddy couldn't wait.

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