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Five years later.

De Luca's Headquarters': Sicily, Italy.

Group of men in black came running out from the building and gathered outside and stood in a position to escort someone very important- The Don. Three black SUVs drove in and stopped outside the building near the entrance. Some more men in black came out from the first and last SUV and took their position around the middle SUV.

"The Don has arrived, everyone in position!" Alvero, the head of De Luca's securities, commanded his men. He went towards the middle SUV and opened the door.

Leonardo De Luca came out from the car and was immediately addressed and escorted by Alvero.

"Good morning, Don." Alvero bowed down in accord. "Everyone has arrived." He informed. Leo glanced at him and nod at him before strolling inside the building.

As Leo entered the meeting hall, everyone except Marcus, stood up from their place at once and addressed him, the Don. Leo glanced around and placed himself in the middle of the round table and the others followed him.

"As you all know the reason behind this calling, what's your opinion on our special guests?" Leo started off and said.

"The house of Lucian has been serving the De Luca's family for years and they have been loyal to us until yesterday," Antonio said.

"The punishment of betrayal is death, execute the Lucian family!" one of the family members suggested.

"There's no need to execute the whole family." Nicolo disagreed. "Punish the one person who betrayed."

"There must be a reason behind his betrayal," Roberto said thoughtfully.

"Let's hear him out first, and then the Don can decide what to do with him after the hearing," Marcus said and gestured his men to bring the betrayal.

After a few minutes, two of his men dragged Santo Lucian inside the hall and pushed him forward.

"I'm sorry, Don. Please forgive me." Santo cracked up and whimpered in fear as he knelt down in front of Leo.

"Why did you do it?" Leo asked.

"They threatened me. They have my little girl, my two-year-old girl, my only child. If I did not do what they ask for, they would have killed my daughter." He reasoned as he started to tremble in dread.

"To save one life, you took three lives from our family." Diego angrily stood up from his place and glared at him. "-two of them were my sons!" he growled and angrily banged on the table. "How dare you play your dirty tricks on them?" He took out his gun from his waistband and pointed at Santo and pulled the trigger at once. Roberto, who was sitting beside him, quickly stood from his place and tossed his hand up and the bullet hit through the ceiling.

"Calmati, Zio!" Roberto shouted at him and took the gun from his hand.

"The punishment of betrayal is death." Leo voiced, stoic and hard. "We have lost three of our family members yesterday night and the Morgans' family will pay for what they did." He declared. "They have not only threatened but have also put family against family." He added solemnly. Leo lost three of his close cousin at once. He was grief but he didn't let it cloud his judgment. "Lucian and De Luca were like family." He said looking down at Santo.

"So what is your decision, Don?" Marcus asked, relaxed in his wheelchair.

"I want justice for my lost sons," Diego uttered glaring at Santo.

"The punishment of betrayal is death." Alesso reminded and echoed.

"Diego, I'll leave the decision to you," Leo said and gestured him to come. Diego stood up from his place and marched towards Santo, taking his gun out from his waistband. Leo moved back and strolled towards the window and stared down the street while the rest of the De Luca's watch Diego.

"Any last words," Diego bare-teeth at him, pointing his gun at his forehead.

"è quello che è" Santo said and looked up at him, ready to face his death.

"marcire All 'inferno," With that said Diego put the bullet through his forehead and ended his life. Roberto sighed deeply in disapproved and looked away on the other side.

"Take his body away!" Leo ordered, not looking back at the dead body.

"So Don, what do we do about Morgan's family?" Alesso asked.

"They've broken the truce-again," Leo stated staring outside through the window. "They have started the war and we will end it once and for all," and he turned to face the crowd. "Kill each and every Morgans' you encounter." He declared the war. Some of them agreed to him while some were surprised at his sudden declaration.

Roberto stood from his place and faced him. "I know you're angry right now, Leo and decision made out of anger are a not good decision," Roberto advised him.

"Do not tell me what to do!" Leo uttered.

"I'm the Underboss and I'm here to guide you where you go wrong." Roberto urged and looked straight at him.

The hall went silent as they watched the tension rising between the boss and the underboss.

"Take back your words before it's too late. You're better than that, Leo." Roberto said as he sadly looked into his brother's eyes. Leo's expression slowly turned stable and looked towards his family.

"I need those Morgan's who killed my brothers," Leo turned towards Alvero and ordered him. "Bring them to me, alive!" with that said, Leo turned on his heels and left the hall at once. Alvero and his men quickly follow him behind.

A/N: So this is the Prologue.... hehe XP. I don't know how do you guys find it but please do look forward to it. I'll do my best to make this book interesting for you all.

And yeah.. don't forget to vote, comment and share.

I need your feedback. :)

Always Smile,

Happy Virus,

Long for You (#2 of Foryoutrilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora