Period BSM

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You start your period and don't know what to do.


Boom! I jump awake from nap hearing a loud noise downstairs. "Justin you woke me up!" I yell.

"Sorry Rachel I dropped a pot." I groaned feeling an awful pain in my stomach. I have been sleeping almost all day and have felt kinda sick the past two days with extremely bad stomach pain. I feel like satins inside of me and trying to break out. I sit up groaning with the intense pain and slowly trail myself into the bathroom.

These past few days I've been feeling really odd, yesterday I broke down crying just because I dropped a fork and the day before I almost killed my best friend Amelia because she wouldn't give me peanut butter. I'm allergic to peanuts! I also punched a guy Lewis when he laughed at me for dropping my skittles before throwing them at him. And today I just feel sick.

Omg! What the hell is that? Is that blood? Have I started my period? Crap. Crap. Crap. Nope. This is not happening. Not today. Just close your eyes and it'll go away. Ughhhh. All my friends got them ages ago and now it's my turn I guess. I go to shout on mum but then I remember that's she's away on a work holiday. Oh god no. I put my head in my hands and start crying. All my friends said that it was great but this is definitely not great. What the hell am I going to do. The only person home is Justin and I need some tampons.

"Justin come here." I call quietly feeling embarrassed. Why couldn't this have waited until mum got home.

"What's wrong Rachel?" He asks standing outside the door.

"Can you please go to the shops and get me tampons and chocolate. Lots of chocolate." I mumble.

"Tampons, why would you need.... Never mind. I'll go get them now." You hear him walk off.

"Wait... can you also get me some paracetamol and a hot water bottle, my stomachs killing me." You hear him mumble a quiet yes. God this is awful I feel like I'm dying.

About 20 minutes later Justin arrives home with a big back off stuff. I open it and almost cry off happiness. There's chocolate, tampons, a hot water bottle, ice cream, sweets, paracetamol, an oversized hoody and a massive teddy bear. Yay I love if that food massive hoodies and teddies.

I drag myself out of bed and get myself sorted shoving the massive hoody that almost goes down to my knees on and some black, white and pink fluffy sock. I grab some water and take 2 paracetamols hoping that they'll kick in soon.

"Thanks Justin you're the best." I said while hugging him. "Can we watch Friends and eat all this food." I ask him giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Sure I'll just go get spoons." Best brother ever.

Ok so I know this was awful but I've now wrote in ages and was kids scared tbh. I'm going to try start updating again and hopefully it'll get better than this. Also whenever I feel rubbish I just watch friends so yeah.

I'm also considering writing a cute one shot book but I don't know who about and if anyone would actually read it so let me know if you'd be interested in reading that and if you think I should do Justin or someone else. I was considering Justin Bieber, Harry styles or Shawn Mendes but I ain't really sure tbh. Sorry for the long ass note but please let me know your opinions on the one shot book! :) I'll also try to update this book more often.

Thanks to anyone who's  reading. :)

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