He Prefers Your Twin BSM

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He Likes Your Twin Sister More Than He Likes You.

Hi to anyone who is reading, hopefully you like this and let me know if there is any mistakes or anything I can do to improve thanks :)

Age: 9

"Justin!" You shout running down the stairs looking for your brother.

"What do you want (Y/N)? I'm busy with Cassie." he says not even looking towards you.
You walk over to them standing in front on Justin.

"I want to play with you though, you're always busy with stupid Cassie you never play with me anymore." you complain stomping your foot and being huffy.

"Well maybe that's because she's not stroppy like you and she's actually fun to play with!" He shouts at you. "But-"

"No just go away! I wish you weren't my sister it would be better if it was just me and Cassie!"

You Start to cry and run upstairs locking yourself in the bathroom. He doesn't love me anymore only stupid Cassie you think. She's more pretty that me and she's not moody.
You sit on the floor in the corner crying.

"(Y/N)!!" Justin shouts. He starts running around the house looking for you. He looks in the kitchen (cause duh if your sad you're gunna go get food) he looks in your room that you share with Cassie, his room before finally going to the bathroom to look for you.

"(Y/N)!!!" He shouts banging on the door.

"Go away." You say.

"Let me in right now or I will knock this door down!" He threatens.

You don't answer slowly getting up to open the door to let him in. You unlock it and he opens the door and looks at you, you're standing in front of the door with your head down with tears running down your face.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I love you and Cassie the same you are my baby sister and so I Cassie." he says also starting to cry.

"I'm sowwy for not being as cute as Cassie and being stroppy."

He walks over to you hugging you, you cling onto his shirt still crying.

"Shhh stop crying. You're okay. Shhh your just as cute and your only stroppy cause I don't play with you." He said feelings guilt.
"I'm sorry (Y/N) do you forgive me for being a rubbish brother?" He asks.

"Obviously I forgive you Justin."

"Now let's go downstairs and play." he says.

"And Cassie?" You ask not wanting her to feel sad and left out.

"Yeah Cassie can play too." He said.

You run down stairs with him and he never ignored you again.

Hi, I don't l know if anyone is reading this but if you are thank you sooo much. If you are please comment and vote. Sorry it's kinda short and bad I'm not that good at writing. If you see any mistakes please tell me and if you know how I can improve this.  If you are actually reading I really appreciate it so thank you :) also they will hopefully get better :)

Justin Bieber BSM and DDM Where stories live. Discover now