You Find A Tampon BSM

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You find a tampon and you go and show him.


You were sitting in your room playing with your Barbies, you got a new one two days ago for your birthday and you've been playing with them since then. You like making them talk to each other and and changing there clothes, you also like doing their hair.

After a while you start to get bored so you decide to go to the bathroom to look through the cupboards. Your mum doesn't usually let you go in them but she was away shopping. Justin was supposed to be babysitting you, he wasn't doing a very good job since he's in his room and probably has no idea where you are.

You walk over to the cupboard bit you can't reach. You keep jumping and trying to open it, eventually you do and a small pink bag falls out. You get the bag and open it, when you do you see a load of long things in packages. You decide to open one to see what it is, when you open it you have no idea what it is so you decide to go and ask Justin.

You walk out the bathroom leaving the bag open on the floor. When you walk out you make sure to close the door which is hard since you can't properly reach the handle yet.

You walk from the bathroom to his room, you knock on the door so that he can't shout at you for just walking in. "Justin can I come in?" You ask him.

"Yeah sure," he said.

You walk in the white thing still in your hand. "Justin what's this?" You say looking at him cutely.

"(Y/N) where did you get that from?!" He asks getting up from his bed and walking over to you.

"I found it in the cupboard in the bathroom, look." You wave it about proudly showing your big brother.

"(Y/N) go put that back now, come on." He said.

"Tell me what it is pwease," you say batting your lashes at him.

"No. I said put it away." He said trying to grab your hand but you snatch your hand away.

"NOOOO!!! I WANT TO KNOW THAT IT IS NOW!" You scream jumping up and down screaming.

"(Y/N) stop that right now and go and put it away. You don't want me to tell mum do you?" That makes you stop screaming.

"Otay but will you pwetty pwease tell me what it is??" You ask.

"When you're older now put that away and I won't tell mum. Quickly though she'll be home soon."

"But I can't reach the cupboard" you pout. "Will you help me Justin?"

"Of course and after we'll go play and mum won't know this happened, okay?" He asked.

"Okay And we'll play barbies." You said grabbing his hand and running of to put it away.

Sorry it was short and it probably sucked, I'm not that good at writing but I find it fun and I'm trying to get better. If you see any mistakes please let me know and if you know how I can make it better, if anyone is even reading. If you are reading please comment and vote, Thanks :)

Justin Bieber BSM and DDM Where stories live. Discover now