He Buys You A Phone BSM

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Your phone is smashed and slow so he buys you a new one.


You're sitting at home waiting for your slow, annoying phone to stop glitching. After about 30 minuets you give up, it's always very slow, it always glitches and it always crashes. You decide to just use your laptop to research for your stupid school project.

About 45 minuets later you decide to go down stairs to get a drink and maybe a packet of crisps.

Out of habit you pick your phone up before getting up of your bed and jogging down the stairs into the kitchen, you look into the living room to see Justin lying across the sofa on his phone. It's not fair, he has a new fast phone but I have an old slow phone. He payed for his own phone while yours was a Christmas Present a few years ago, but still he has more money than I do.

You decide to heat up some pizza from yesterday that you didn't eat. You get a glass of water then put the pizza in the microwave. As you were waiting for the pizza to heat up you start throwing your phone and catching it. You actually catch it every time which is surprising cause you've got butterfingers and you can't catch anything. Ever.

You throw your phone up catching it, and the same again but this time the microwave beeps giving you a fright and making your phone slip through your hands landing face down on the hard floor.

You start to regret throwing your phone and peeling your screen cover of. You also regret taking your phone case of.

You slowly bend down sitting on the floor to scared to check if it's smashed or not.
(I actually do that.)

What feels like 1 hr later but is probably only a few minutes you decide to check if your phones okay. You sigh releasing that your pizza is probably cold  now. Stupid phone. You pick it up looking at the screen and it's fine!

You get up jumping with happiness that your parents won't get mad at you!

Still very excited you go to sit your phone down on the table... and falls on the floor... face down ... again.

You pick it up thinking that it will be fine like last time, but when you look the screen is smashed. Not only a little bit. The whole screen is shattered.

"Nooooo!" You scream, being the dramatic person that you are. You drop to the floor and sit there looking at your phone.

"(Y/N), what's wrong??" Justin asks running into the kitchen, you giggle slightly realising how it sounded like something actually proper bad happened.

You lift up your phone showing him the screen. "It fell of the table." You said.

"Jeez I thought someone was dying." He said.

"Yeah but now I need a new phone and I'm poor." You complain.

"Get mum or dad to buy you one."

"Haha good joke like they'd buy me a new phone." You sigh.

A week later you are at home studying for a math test that you have coming up when Justin comes into your room.

"Hi (Y/N)," he said.

"If you haven't brought food then leave." You said not looking up from your laptop.

"Fine then, I do have something better than food but I'll just leave." He said walking of.

You look up to see him holding something behind his back, he starts walking away slowly not bothering to turn around.

"Actually what do you want?" You ask wanting to know what it is that he's carrying behind his back.

"Well I just thought that I'd buy you a present but if you don't want it..."

"No I want it please." You said getting up.

He handed you a box that had purple rapping paper on it. When you open it you notice that it's a phone, but you try to not get excited in case he's pranking you. When you open the box you see the iPhone X inside.

"It this for me..?" You ask not believing that he'd get you a phone.

"Yep." He said popping the P.

"OMG?! Really??" You said jumping up and down, you made sure to sit the phone down first. So that you don't smash it.


"Thank you, omg thanks!" You scream hugging him.

"Just don't break this phone." He said.

"I won't! Omg! Omg! Thank you soooooo much!" You scream.

You actually managed to not smash or break this phone

This is actually really bad sorry, thank you if you're reading though. If you see any mistakes or anything please let me know. Also please comment and vote :)

Justin Bieber BSM and DDM Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora