His Girlfriend Dosen't Like You DDM

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His Girlfriend doesn't like you and she's mean to you but Justin Finds our.

I'm writing this because I wrote the his Girlfriend hits you and I really liked writing it :) hopefully it's good. Also I'm going to write this one different and not make it (Y/N) so if you're reading tell me if you prefer it this way or the other way. Thanks :)

Abigail's POV

"Abigail come here please." Justin shouts.

"Okay daddy, I'm coming!" I shout running down the stairs.

"Morning Abi, go get your breakfast and get ready someone is coming round later so make sure to look cute." Dad said.

I wonder who's coming round, I guess I'll just ask. "Who's coming round daddy, is it Lilac and her mummy?" I ask. I like when Lilac comes round she's my best friend at school.

"Nope abi, it's my new girlfriend." Daddy said, I was about to ask if she was nice when he spoke. Meanie. "Now do you want blueberry or chocolate pancakes?" He asked.

Hmm chocolate or blueberries. "Chocolate please." I love chocolate pancakes so so so so much!

"Okay, go brush your teeth and get washed and dressed then come downstairs to get your pancakes." Daddy told me.

"Okay daddy. Will you do my hair for me please?" I ask.

"Sure, just go get ready quickly." He tells me. I run up the stairs.

I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face before running into my room. I walk over to the wardrobe and pull out a pink puffy dress. Perfect. I get white frilly socks to go with it so that I'll look super cute. I grab two pink bows, a hairbrush and two hair bands. When I have got all of them I run down stairs to get my pancakes. Yummy.

I sit down and eat my pancakes while daddy puts my hair in bunches and puts the bows in my hair.

I eat 1 and a half pancakes and leave half. I then run upstairs grabbing my Rapunzel and Aurora dolls and start doing Rapunzel's hair and playing with them. I also have Ariel, Tiana, Snow White, Belle, Cinderella, Merida and Jasmine. Disney is my favourite. My favourite Princess is Aurora cause her dress it pretty.

A while later daddy shouts me to go down stairs telling me that his girlfriend is here. I hope she is nice and pretty, maybe she'll make strawberry cupcakes with me. Mmm yummy.

I run down stairs into the kitchen. "Hiya daddy, hiya daddy's girlfriend." I said smiling and running over to daddy.

"Hi Abigail. This is Tiffany, Tiffany this is Abigail." Daddy said.

"Hi Tiffany." I said looking up to the lady. She didn't look how I imagined. I thought she would be pretty with bright eyes and nice hair and a pretty smile but this girl looked nothing like that. Her hair was dyed red, she had green eyes and they were pretty but she wasn't. She had way to much makeup on, dark eyes with bright red lipstick. I thought she would look like a Disney Princess but nope. Her face had way to much makeup piled on it. She was wearing a black top that was way to short and her belly button was pierced. She was wearing dark jeans and black heels.

She looked down at me and frowned so I ran behind daddy. She looked scary. I just noticed a lip piercing. "Hi Amalia."

"Uhh my names Abigail, you can call me Abi though." I said smiling, daddy told be to never judge people based on there looks so I decided that I wouldn't.

"Sorry Amy." She said smiling kindly. It kinda looked fake though.

"Tiffany her name is Abigail. Not Amy, not Amelia. Abigail." Daddy said.

"Ugh whatever." She said flicking her long hair over her shoulder.

"I'll be back in one minute okay Abi?" Daddy asked. I didn't want to be left with her but I decided to just say ok.

"So what are you doing here brat?" She ask walking over to you, she smells like smoke. Eww.

"Umm I live here with daddy." I said. "Will you make cupcakes and cookies with me?" I ask looking up at her.

"Eww no that will be how your so fat gad." She said.

"Daddy said that-" I started but she cut me of. Meanie butt.

"I don't give a shit about what your daddy said, I'm only using him for money." She said  looking at me evilly.

"You said a bad word!" I squeal.

"Whatever slut." She said. Daddy told me to not say that word but I did once before. I heard the big girls calling each other it so I ran around screaming it. He said that it's a bad word.

"Isn't the s word also bad?!" I gasp. She keeps saying bad words.

"You shut up before I come other there and slap you!" She said walking over but Justin came walking in.

"Get out Tiffany right now! And I want my necklaces back!" Daddy screamed I ran and sat on the stairs because I was scared.

"Why!?" She yelled.

"Maybe because you only want me for my money and NO ONE talks to Abi like that and gets away with it!" She yelled back.

"Fine be like that but your precious little Ally." She said sarcastically "is fat."

"Out now and keep the dumb necklace!" She ran out she heels clicking as she ran.

"Abi baby come here." He said quiet. He bent down so that he was your hight hugging you. "I'm sorry baby she's just a meanie butt." He said.

"It's otay daddy." I said "I love you daddy."

"I love you too." He replied.

Hey, hope you liked this and if you are reading this please comment and vote. Thanks

Also this is my first DDM so I hope it's good :)

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