Chapter 23- Quidditch and Quarreling

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He walked off, his ornate cane tapping loudly against the cobblestones. As soon as he was out of hearing range, Draco rushed forward, the sunlight glinting against his blond hair. "You're welcome, L/N."

I smiled back, crossing my arms. "Quick thinking there, Malfoy. Didn't know you had it in you to do something so nice for someone."

He shrugged, eyes twinkling mischievously. "It wasn't for just anybody."

The mood sobered abruptly as we scrutinized each other, dancing around the things unsaid. He was too close -- the tips of our shoes almost touching. It drew attention to the fact he'd grown over the summer, his eyes now slightly above mine. I cast my gaze down.

"I truly appreciate it," I whispered. "Thank you."

"Anytime," he said evenly, obviously not as affected as I was. He stepped back, going to lean against the dirty wall of the pub we were standing by. "So, what did you want to tell me?"

"I --" I exhaled, hugging myself. He eyed me quizzically. "Sorry, it's just been a while. I'm not sure where to start."

He snorted. "Wouldn't the beginning be good enough?"

I rolled my eyes, shoulders loosening. "Speaking of beginnings -- what triggered that fuss in the bookstore?"

His expression flattened and he shifted on his feet. "Ladies first."

"I guess I'll just have to ask again later," I said, seeing through him. He seemed unimpressed at that fact. "My mother sent me away, so I had to stay somewhere else. Blaise and his mother took me in."

I didn't get a chance to gauge his reaction before I registered the sound of my name being called. I turned around quickly to see Allegra and Blaise standing near the entrance of the alley, the witch smiling at us serenely while her child clasped his hands behind his back. I gave him a slight nod, ignoring Draco's stony face. 

"I have to go," I finished lamely, shoving my hands into my pockets. 

"So, you and Zabini?" Draco asked snidely, pushing off the wall. 

My frown deepened at the implications. "That is absolutely none of your business, Draco."

He made a discontented sound under his breath, stepping away dismissively. "See you around, L/N."


The fall had fully settled over Hogwarts, the hallways whooshing with incoming drafts of crisp, red-and-golden leaves. A certain mellowness that settled over the dungeons, the petty disputes of the previous year fading to a more complacent atmosphere. Blaise and I tended to keep to ourselves, sometimes joined by Millicent, or Luna, and it felt good. 

In the blur of classes and assignments, it was easy to lose track of friends. I barely had time to hang out with Hermione, let alone Harry. That was mainly because he, like the rest of our year, only had one word on his lips. Quidditch. 

This was the year everyone was finally allowed to play, and Draco had made it a point of honor to get picked for Seeker in order to challenge Harry at his own game. He wasn't a bad player, far from it -- but true to himself, he had resorted to less savory methods to secure his position. The Malfoys had been generous enough to donate brand new brooms to the team... in exchange for Draco being on it. 

"Pathetic," Millicent had dropped, watching the blonde gloat one morning at breakfast, her murky brown eyes narrowed with distaste. 

"Leave it, Bulstrode," Blaise had drawled, glancing at me around a sip of pumpkin juice. His expression was unreadable, and I automatically frowned. "It's just a game."

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