Chapter 4:Calix's first day!

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Today was going to be Calix's day he thought with optimism. He was finally going to be able to tour the college he dreamed about since he was a child. His mother ought to be proud of him, it took countless nights to get here. Calix was in a group of random students, and a few of their parents. They're we're touring the library right next to the science building. His mother couldn't make it since she was working a double shift. Calix didn't mind, but he wished she could have seen where all her work had led him. Although it's just a tour of the school, he wanted her to see that his dream had become a reality. His train of thought was changed as the tour guide led them to a luxurious library. He didn't think it was possible for a library to be fancy, yet there he stood inside of a library held by marble columns. Inside the building diagrams of the new display they've been working on. 'Creatures that once walked this earth', each display was obviously made by a student.
The tour guide led them up to the second floor, which was designed for books dedicated for history. Calix's eyes ran up and down the aisles feeling a thrill of excitement run through him, as he imagined himself reading through every single one. He pushed up his glasses and listened closely to the guide as she spoke fluidly "For more than 120 years Tarton has been a school that basis itself on the pursuit on knowledge" As they were walking along the aisles the guide, her hands delicately traced each spine of the books. Calix could sense she had pure admiration for the building. She turns towards the group "Some of these books were read by scholars we admire today, and who knows one of you might follow that path"
Calix felt a warm sensation in his chest, although the line was cheesy in more ways than one. It was inspiration for him to work harder. But the feeling was cut short as a sudden humorous whisper was pointed towards him "Too bad everyone reads on their phones these days" Calix laughs politely. Turning to see a boy who was a bit shorter than he was, which was no surprise to Calix since he's 6'1. The boy had blondish hair, fair skin and eyes as blue as the sky. But the most noticeable trait he carried was his arrogance.
Calix turns to the guide and continues to listen intently. Ignoring the shorter boy beside him. "God how much longer do we have to be here, right?". Calix ignores his comment, pretending he didn't hear a thing. He didn't want to deal with annoying guys, who thought that they were the shit. People often mistake Calix as one of these people. After all he was tall with a muscular build, and he more often then not enjoyed wearing black. Since he wasn't really emotional, well emotional enough to show it on his face. He always looked like he either had a thought in his head, or he was pissed off. Either way he attracted people like this, as if he was a hotspot.
Following the guide they went to the third floor, the guide showing them the rest of the section. Of course it was impressive, there were study rooms, two whole aisles dedicated to computers, and tons of shelves filled with books. As they were exiting the library the boy once again turned to him, but this time more aggressively. He put a hand on his shoulder as if he was a life long friend, and said "Shit, when are we going to see something actually interesting." Calix has discomfort with people touching him, so he shrugged him off his shoulder. The boy looked taken aback and frankly a little embarrassed.
The guide turned to the group as they were walking to the new site. "We are now going to visit one of the most renovated buildings within Tarton. The 'Adams science building". As Calix was about to take another step, the boy from earlier steps in front of him. He seemed determined and flustered. Calix could tell he wanted to talk, so he allowed the group to go without him. They already gave him the itinerary so he could catch up at any given time. The boy awkwardly coughed "So I think we stepped off the wrong foot, listen I'm not really from here. You just looked as lost as I am so I wanted to say I'm-"
As if on cue a sudden splash of water hit Calix, drenching him and only him. "UGH FUCK!" He looked at the boy he just met, and the expression that displayed on his face was purely mortified. It seemed that he was as surprised as Calix was, before he could open his mouth to question him. A deep voice from above yelled "Sorry!", another voice arrived not necessarily talking to Calix. "Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Great on my first day!"
Calix had no idea what was going on,
but he did know one thing he was seething.

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