Hades' Secret

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Hades sat upon his thrown, rubbing his temples, trying to make sense of the situation that took place not too long ago. He could not believe that the third child had finally been born, not only that, but the overwhelming fear these children had brought with them. Hades shakes his leg vigorously as his heart weighs heavier at the thought of what is to come. Fortunately, Hades was allowed to be in the solitude of his kingdom in the underworld after Zeus dismissed his court. At least the dead could not question Hades' behavior. But as he continued to observe the arrival of new souls, A light chuckle entered to the left of Hades. And as soon as the melodic snort ringed, Hades' face involuntarily warmed.

"With all this chaos, you would think Dionysus was throwing another party."

With a shy smile, Hades turned to see a curvy woman covered in flowers plucking a champagne from one of the air nymphs. Her dress is a light shade of yellow, matching the sunflower that was almost embroidered upon her hair. With every step she took life bloomed after her, leaving a trail of flowers in the darkness of the cold underworld. As she held the dark champagne drink upon her delicate fingers she swirled the drink within, and with a gentle hand, the woman brushed her thick waves of hair away so she could drink.


"It is not yet the Spring." Hades lazily inquired, striding towards Persephone. "Would not Demeter absolutely forbid this meeting?"

Persephone chuckled and rolled her eyes, "My mother gets mad when I plant corn in the wrong plot. I think she'll manage."

Hades could not help it, whenever Persephone speaks, the world seems to crumble around and she is the only one left standing. One would think that centuries would wear this effect - Hades knows that this time has definitely strained Zeus and Hera's relationship. But as Persephone stands in front of him, Hades is struck by how lucky he is to have her as a partner in the face of this world.

This world. And its problems.

"Besides," at this, Persephone's face turns somber as she reaches her free hand to cup Hades' cheek, "I know when something is bothering you - your frown was extra stern earlier today. So how are you, my love?"

Hades froze.

Guilty, Hades thought. Guilty.

The news of Zeus' child has traveled across the entire pantheon. And though all has taken a vow of silence, none are aware of the other prominent children that gives cause as to why Zeus' son is so strong. None could have known that down on Rhea are two more children bearing the power of Poseidon...and Hades.

Steeling his nerves, Hades tenderly grabs his love's hand. "Zeus has declared we must not discuss of his son, lest we -"

"'Face a fate worse than Kronos'" Persephone sneared, "I am quite aware of the wishes of Zeus. But, he did not prohibit for us to speak about how we FEEL about it?" Persephone's lips spread slyly across her face. Always the rebel, Hades thought lovingly.

How would she react if she knew?

If she knew that below there is a child with tan skin containing the power of the underworld. With sharp eyes and an even sharper tongue that could comfort or destroy. Hades watched his son born of determination and bravery, ready to defend life and the future. This was a fighter's soul, one that would not fall easily to the plights of the universe. Would Persephone approve? Would she love him even if Hades doesn't?

When Poseidon quietly talks of his son, he sounds as proud as any mortal father. And though Hades understands that the birth of these children was a "dire necessity" according to the Fates, this still does not diminish the gnawing shame as he gazes his wife. Hades had once swore that he would never treat his partner the way Zeus apathetically treats Hera. Yet, on that helpless Earth is a child - HIS child. And everyday that child grows is one more day adding to the reminder that Hades does not deserve Persephone. No matter, all the brothers had agreed before hand, only the Fates will know of the children.

As Persephone awaits his response, Hades gently embraces her to be engulfed in the warm she brought. As he holds her, Hades' mind clouds facing the memory over the night that he had his son, not his first, but certainly his last. Despite his guilt consuming him, Hades had taken a human form to walk among the mortals. When approached with the foreboding prophecy, Zeus and Poseidon took a more straightforward path to obtaining a suitable mother - which essentially was the godly equivalent of  playing what the humans call, "Russian Roulette." Perhaps it was Hades' daily proximity with (deceased) mortal souls or a feeble attempt to delay the inevitable, but Hades had monitored Rhea's surface to find someone caring enough to be a good mother for this child. Although he has regrets, Hades did not want this child to come into this life without love. 

At first it started with a couple of visits on Rhea with unsuccessful matches. But on Hades' third visit he saw her - a young Hispanic woman around the age of 23. She was walking out of her coffee shop job, and Hades could tell she had a long shift as evident with her disheveled hair. And yet, as she was locking up the shop, she wore a smile that shined through the night. He spoke to her, and over a matter of time he learned more of her. Through their interactions, he then found that she was not only beautiful, but she saw the world in such a way that Hades had never perceived. Hades could sense that when her mortal time was finished, this woman would be accepted in Elysium, the section of the underworld where virtuous or heroic mortals lived in paradise.

It was sufficient to say that Hades had found a suitable mother. But no matter how many times he visited her, this mortal women could never compare to the love of his eternal life. All the memories of the days he spent with the mother of his destined child, played back in his head rapidly; the intimate moments, the times he held her and the love she shared for him. In that  moment, Hades could understand why his brothers refuse to build sturdy emotional connections with any being; to feel was far too human. So when the woman announced she was pregnant, Hades forced his mind to not look back, and opted to hold his guilt within him.

With that, Hades pulled back cradling Persephone's face, peering into her searching doe brown eyes. Her golden hues were captivating to Hades and it reminded him of experiencing a different type of season every second.  He took a steady breath, "I think nothing of this my love. Nothing at all," wishing in his heart of hearts that it was true. 

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