Chapter 1: Delmar's Fuck up

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Delmar grew up on the belief that every chance given is an opportunity to grow. Yet as he stared back at the massive building in front of him, intimidation filled his body. The building stared back with its humongous planetarium, the windows scaling almost half of the building. It was quite impressive to say the least - which made sense considering that this building was one of the prides of Tartons University. Delmar admitted that the presentably overpriced construction was a little pretentious and just seemed to scream, "I was made from your wallets and tears!" This bias might be in part that Delmar was a previous student from another much smaller school, and only transferred after finishing his core since he felt that his school's biology program wasn't beneficial. So now here he is, standing within one of the top universities in his state; holding only his composure and a dream to finish his undergraduate degree. But in order for that dream to become a reality he had to start from square one. Again.

As a junior, it had been two years since Delmar had actually gone on a campus tour. They were all boring to him, especially when it seemed like he was the younger brother of the upcoming students rather than one himself. He watched in amusement as the freshman around him light up with excitement, and chuckled, Ha! Wait until finals week.

The tour guide, a short girl masterfully cosplaying the personality of a salesperson then that of a stressed student tasked to take time out of their undoubtedly busy day, lead Delmar's group to the front of the building - the doors standing magnificently with marble structures sculpted into the frame. Again, Delmar saw this as an overkill, but he opted to listen to the tour guide instead. "Tartons has made many strides to the STEM programs, and is considered one of the top schools for anyone is interested in joining the field!"

Delmar had heard it all before, but he couldn't help the excitement that bubbled up in his chest. He was finally going to be able to do hands on lab work, and get a good internship for graduate school. The tour guide then held the door open for all of the upcoming students to review the building. After shuffling like penguins, Delmar finally go to set his sights upon the first floor. Although being the first floor, the room was an expansion of what the building had to offer. The floor was made of granite, smooth and polished, it was filled with different types of displays from different fields.

"As you can see the students here at Tartons hold many pride for their work, as does the school as well. So we set it on display for all to see." The tour grinned beaming with the fake ambition she was taught.

Delmars light blue eyes widened at the sight of all the different displays, civil engineering, physics, technical engineering etc. It seemed to be a plethora of subjects Delmar was interested in but knew he couldn't succeeded in. Looking upon the work his interested quirked a little more. This is a tour I don't see the harm in just looking around...

Separating from the group Delmar, walked by to see all the exhibits.

"Oh no, no-no-no-no. I done fucked up. Im a fucker-upper. Im a dumb fucker-upper." Delmar kept this consistent pace as he cautiously prowled the hallways, getting progressively confused with each turn and homologous corridor. How can one lose an entire group of 50 pseudo-adults on a tour? No one really knows and especially not Delmar as he was hopelessly lost in the vast Science building of Tarlen's campus.

Another 20 minutes pass and Delmar had to admit that, yep, he was not finding his group again. Which, really, it should be the campus' fault for being so confusing - nothing like the undergraduate college Delmar attended before! Delmar can not even fathom how his group could have possibly slipped away so fast. He was just filling his water bottle for god's sake!

"Great," Delmar thought bitterly as he passed through a doorway marking it as the Chemistry wing, "I'm a BIOLOGY major! Where am I??" Really, this building is like a labyrinth.
Ahahaha, what luck right?!

At this Delmar breaks into a burst of nervous laughter. "What are the absolute chances that the very first day of being by myself and proving that I can be a capable adult, that I FUCK UP!" Anxiety bubbled throughout Delmar's body, shaking his hands like he was having a mini earthquake. Sure, maybe one person would try to find the exit and reconcile. But this building must not care about its attendances because there was NO fire exit!

Or maybe, Delmar thought grasping his curled hair, Im actually just too dumb to be an adult. Why am I even surprised??

But the anxiousness of Delmar turned into fear when the bubbles inside him started feel more heavier. And was he hearing actual bubbles next to him?

Delmar could only put in a resigned groan...right before all the chemistry faucets and safety showers exploded.

"Not again!"

Ironically, Delmar was actually glad nobody was around because he is pretty sure then seeing a small boy drenched and screaming at sinks would not have been very flattering.

Unfortunately, Delmar really only knows how to cause destruction to bathroom applicances. So all he could do was desperately place buckets around and pray there is no working cameras in this room. In Delmar's desperation to shut off the water, he did not notice the tan boy outsude of the window viewing in with a look of utter confused judgement.

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