CHAPTER [2] - Don't mess with them

Start from the beginning

"Listen boy," His father sighed, causing damsel to immediately pause his song and take out his earbuds.

"Make it quick paps, I wanna get to the ice-cream van before school starts." Damsel said hurriedly, if anyone at school had heard him at this moment, they wouldn't believe it. Many rumors were spreading that he was meeting his girlfriend in the mornings, or that he was exchanging drugs in the black market, but no one would believe that he came late everyday because he wanted to buy from his favorite ice cream van at the time of their schedule.

He wanted to keep that a secret obviously.

"The Moon-Knight pack moved closer to us, more than before." The alpha brought him back to reality as he reported through a voice full of stress. "They've decided to expand their borders to touch ours."

At that moment, Damsel's grip tightened on his fork, his eyes turning crimson as the fork bent in response to the pressure caused by him. The pack had already invaded their city 20 years ago, now they were planning on invading their territory as well?

Damsel was not having it.

"Those bastards! It's like they're practically asking for a war!" He hissed, he slammed his hand on the counter, throwing the plate of food he had received onto the ground out of anger.

"You better sit yo thicc ass right back down you little piece of shit!" His mother, Cassandra yelled as the sound of breaking glass echoed through the hall. She soon followed behind his father wearing only a bath robe and a wine glass in her hand, "I am not cleaning that shit up!"

"Please honey, this is serious." Alpha nick explained softly, not wanting to make his mate any angrier that she is. He cleared his throat,

His father was a muscular man, and large at that as well with broad shoulders and tall frame, damsel got those genes at least. He was white, wearing a scruffy blonde beard and green eyes. If you saw them in public together, you'd never guess they were related; Damsel took after his mother more instead, with her gorgeous brown curly locks and sea-blue eyes, her straight nose and perfect lips. He was a living replica of his mom, and he'd always blame his mom for his feminine face. Probably why he's her favorite son as well, she'd always tell him he was pretty, that he was gorgeous, and that he was perfect, she was never blessed by a daughter after all. All her other sons took after their father. So that's why his mom saw him as her last piece of hope, she had to name him herself, her husband had named all his other 4 brothers, and she was determined to make damsel hers, she wouldn't take no for an answer. Which is why he always used to get mistaken for a girl as a child, since his mom dressed him up as she desired. "My little princess!" She'd always say as he walked around in frilly dresses.

just the thought disgusted him. he was a changed man now, we never talk about those days.

"Although we haven't been on the best terms, we don't want this sudden change to be the reason of our people's demise." He tried to talk with ease, not wanting to anger Damsel, "We cant have any mess-ups, don't try any funny business with The eldest knight, or anyone in that family, please."

His father knew Damsel far too well, He knew the kid would definitely not listen to a word he'd say.

The lakedale Pack and the Moon-Knight Pack had been in a cold war for 20 years, none daring to step out of their boundaries to start a real war, but they did their fair share of antics, each trying to irritate the other,

Exactly like how Damsel and a certain someone's relationship was.

Fighting was in their blood.

And Nick just didn't know of Damsel could control his temper.

So what were they trying to achieve by expanding their borders to theirs?

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