Into The Cold

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(Taehyung's POV)

The sky was clear as I looked back at my home, knowing all the wonderful members of my family I was leaving behind. I wanted to weep for them, I shouldn't be going and I knew it. I should stay and help them, but I was told not too. My elder brothers were determined to send me off, not because they didn't want me near but it was important. I knew it was important, especially for me...

For us... this is it.

I walked to the clearing in front of the palace, the night sky hanging above my head like a beautiful painting. It was awaiting me to come close and see its wonders. My eyes closed and breathed deeply, knowing my body was softly glowing and that glow was becoming tense.

I was shifting, my body taking it's other form slowly in the bright glow of soft blue that seemed to light up everything around it.

Cold.... It was cold and blue as I shifted back to my human looking self.

Snow! Let's eat some!

"No... we need.. warmth.." I managed, telling my Dragon.

Smells weird... oh, listen

"Hm?" I looked around and heard something nearing. It was the roar of something coming close. I moved forward and found myself suddenly face first in the very cold snow. I picked my head up only to hear a loud roar from in front of me, I was grabbed by the hair and my head held back as I saw a familiar face come leaping over a mound of snow at whoever had me by the hair. I smirked a bit and as Lee flung himself onto the being my hair was released and I rolled to the side.

Too cold... too cold!

It was way too cold, my teeth were chattering but I still got to my feet and made my way over to Lee who was punching the living hell out of someone who was too buried in the snow for me to fully see. Lee stopped once the being was no longer fighting him back.

"These damn demons.... I swear..." He stated as he then looked to me, I was still cold...

"You know, just because I'm an Ice Dragon.... doesn't mean I don't get cold." I muttered with a slight pout. Lee smiled and laughed a bit.

"Haha, I'm sorry my King. Where are my manners. Come on, let's get you into something warm." He said as he led me back to a strange looking automobile.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"It's a snow mobile. It's gotten too cold and there's been too much snow for me to take the truck." He reached into a trunk that was strapped to the back of the vehicle. He pulled out some clothing to keep me warm and I was more than happy to put on everything he gave me. "You ready? Let's go get something warm to drink now." He said as he took my small bag from the ground near my feet. I nodded and hopped onto the back of the vehicle, once Lee was seated I held onto him as we headed off over the other side of the mountain. It was fairly dark and the wind bit at my face but it was bearable when I hid behind Lee. I had one goal... well two, it was nearly time to see if this was worth it.

After some time, and me trying to keep the scarf I had wrapped around me up over my face as much as I could- we finally slowed near a gate that was opened a bit, we drove through and I took note of the pretty fountain ahead. We came to a stop and Lee turned off the vehicle and climbed off. I climbed off after him and looked up at the rather large structure in front of us.

"This is almost as big as the Pub and Inn over in South-brook. Amazing.." I stared at the well lit lanterns hanging in front.

"This is the house of treasures. My Gems are inside, come on. Let's go get warmed up instead of freezing out here." He chuckled a bit. I nodded and followed Lee up the steps and into the large home-like space.

(Ruby's POV)

"Oh no, nope, nuh uh!" I said as soon as they walked into the foyer. Lee and his 'friend' both bundled up in snow coats, snow pants, hats, gloves, and scarves.

"Ruby..." Lee began but I ignored him as I made a B-line for the blue haired guy next to him, stretching my arms out in front of me I made contact with the puffy snow coat and tried to push the dude right back out the fucking door.

"Nope! All the mother fucking nopes! Seriously. All of them." I said while struggling to push the tall blue haired guy. He didn't even move an inch, like no. Nothing, and I looked like a fucking fool but to hell with how I looked. I knew what this guy looked like...... Trouble. Capitalize that shit.

"Ruby, what are you doing?" Lee asked. I stopped pushing and looked over at him.

"Your friend here needs to get gone." I said bluntly.

"Ruby, He's-"

"Oh I know what the fuck he is... Trouble, with a capital T followed by a fuck you cause me, I, and maybe the rest of us are sick of having our friends go bye bye." Maybe I was being dramatic... I did like a good drama from time to time, but mostly I just had no patience. Lee sighed.

"Will you at least remove your hands from him?" He asked.

"It's okay Hyung." The deep melodic voice caught me off guard and I looked up at him, noting my hands were still pressed against his chest... well.. upper stomach cause my short ass couldn't reach that far up without platforms on.

"The... fuck... sorry. I mean, I'm sorry." I retreated my hands back to my side and glared at Lee.

"He's your responsibility." I pointed my finger at him. "And if one more of my friends suddenly get voodooed by Mr. Tall Blue and sexy here YOU will be the one I try that new drill bit out on. Got it?" I was threatening him... yes, but shit on me if I didn't have a damn good reason for it.

"Is everyone here so... welcoming?" Blue said as I crossed my arms and stalked back to the sign in section.

"Not exactly, Ruby is.... Special like that." Lee replied.

"You know I can still hear you right?" I said as I stood there glaring at Lee.

"Mr. Lee, there's a gentleman and a lady here to see you- Something about an appointment?" Emerald said as she came around the corner. "They're already in your office." She added with a smile. I watched as she looked over at tall blue boy and Immediately I grabbed her hand and pulled her back toward me.

"No way, don't talk to him. Matter of fact... don't look at him." I said quietly to her.

"What? Is there something wrong with him?" She asked just as quietly.

"You do know my ears work as well." Blue boy said with a half smile. I tried not to look, I really did.

"Fuck me sideways...." I murmured as I caught a glimpse of his smile.

"You okay Ruby?" Emerald asked as she waved her hand in front of my face. I watched as blue boy followed after Mr. Lee.

"We're in trouble, we're all in so much trouble we don't even fucking know it. I can feel it, it's in me, it's screaming at me to run for the hills. We should pack our things, change our names and find a bunker to live in for the next twenty years or so." I apparently spoke out loud as Em gave me a strange look then shrugged and headed to the kitchen. I immediately smacked my head down onto the guest sign in counter.

Whatever this was... whatever this meant.. it for fucking sure couldn't be good.

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