Carlos Imagine

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Authors Note~So, I know it's been a while, but I've been REALLY busy! I'm gonna try to post semi-regularly, now that I kind of know what my schedule is like with school and everything...But anyway, Carlos Imagine time! Enjoy! :D


Carlos Imagine


Imagine: You were downstairs making breakfast while your boyfriend, Carlos, was still sleeping upstairs in the bedroom. Normally, you would be up there with him still sleeping peacefully, but today is a very special day. It's the Two Year Anniversary of the first day you and Carlos met, and that night two years ago, he asked you out. Now, you're standing in front of the stove, making your famous french toast that Carlos always loved and begged you to make at least twice a week. As you moved between the french toast, bacon strips and eggs, you had an amazing idea. Every month, you and Carlos did a little something special on the anniversary day, usually a movie night or casual lunch or dinner. Ever since you two started the monthly ritual, there was a contest that Carlos started. Who could take the first picture of the other person? Every month he won, but this time you wanted to win. As you plated the food, you made the plan in your head. Go into the living room, sit on the floor, scream his name until he comes running down the stairs, and have your phone ready to snap a picture and immediately post it on Instagram and Twitter. The fans always knew when an anniversary was because Carlos always Instagramed his picture of you, so you know they will be expecting something from him. Unfortunately for them, you will win this time. You place the plates in the little table for two in the brightly lit corner in the kitchen before leaving for the living room. You go and sit by the sofa before pulling your phone out and getting ready. Before you can scream you see Sydney run toward you. "Syd! Where did you come from girlie!" Sydney stopped in front of you, nearly knocking you over as she licked your entire face. "Sydney! Stop!" You laughed as you gently pushed to playful German Shepherd away from you. She panted before closing her mouth and sniffing the air. She ran toward the kitchen and you giggled before sitting back up comfortably. "Ok...Scream, wait, and click. Scream, wait, and click...." You quietly chanted to yourself trying to psych yourself up for the prank you were about to pull. After a few deep breaths, you were finally ready. "CARLOS! CARLOS GET DOWN HERE!" You screamed. Soon, you heard a  few bumps from upstairs and footsteps as you lifted your phone. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) I'M COMING! WHAT'S WRONG?!?!" Carlos screamed as he bounded down the stairs. He hit the floor and sprinted over to you, not noticing your phone pointed toward him. He knelt down and looked at you with a concerned face as you clicked the button on the screen. "What? What's wrong (Y/N)?" You started giggling at his reaction. "I gotcha Los!" You laughed louder as his face changed to confusion. "What are you talking about? And are you hurt or not?" "I'm perfectly fine! But you're not, because you just lost for the first time Mr. Pena!" "What!?! So, you're not hurt, but you screamed my name and woke me up!" "Yeah....It's no big deal Carlos...You know what day it is...Right..?" You asked in a worried tone. If he forgot it was your Two Year Anniversary you would be really hurt and upset. "I know what today is (Y/N), but did you have to do that? I was worried sick when I woke up to you screaming my name for help! I thought you were hurt or someone broke in!" "Carlos, I'm so sorry! I just...I--" "I know, you wanted to get the first picture....Just try and not give me a heart attack next month when you try..." Carlos smiled, sending a wave of relief through you. "Ok Los...No promises! but I'll try!" You both laughed before Carlos stopped and sniffed the air like Sydney had done before. "What's that smell?" Your eyes went wide as you gasped. "Crap!" You jumped up off the floor and rushed past him into the kitchen where you found a smokey filled room. Seconds after you got in there the smoke detector started going off. "Carlos! Can you turn that thing off?!" You yelled as Carlos ran into the room, grabbing a chair and jumping on it to reach the fire alarm. In moments the beeping silenced and he jumped down. You took the pan off of the burner and threw it in the sink before turning the water on, watching it run over the charred remains of the french toast. "(Y/N)? What was that?" Carlos came up behind you and put his hands on either side of your waist. "Just my famous french toast..." "Well, not anymore.." Carlos giggled as you turned around and lightly punched his arm before walking away. "Sydney!" You screamed as you shooed her away from the plates she had somehow gotten onto the floor. "What happened?" Carlos walked over to you as you knelt down to pick up the now spotless plates. "Carlos..." You sighed. "I woke up early to make your favorite breakfast and be the first to take a picture, so I came down here and started breakfast. I thought it was done and I put the bacon and eggs on the plates, and even the french toast that was done, but I guess I forgot about the last one cooking and I went in the living room. Then that whole thing happened and it burned, and at some point Sydney managed to get up to the table and pull the plates down and ate the food....Now there's nothing but a piece of french toast with third degree burns, two empty plates with dog slobber and a smokey smelling kitchen....I'm sorry Carlos...I just wanted today to be special.." You look down and stare at the ground as Carlos sits next to you. He softly cups each side of your face in his hands and makes you look at him before kissing you tenderly. "Don't be sorry Baby! I know it didn't go how you planned, but it's the thought that counts!" "But I ruined out anniversary Los! I ruined it..." "No you didn't (Y/N)! How can you manage to ruin something that only needs two simple things to be great?" You look into his eyes in confusion. "What are you talking about?" "All I need is you, and all you need is me for a happy ending..." He smiled at you before giving you a kiss. "Awww! That's so sweet Carlos! But I don't want a happy ending." "Why not?" Carlos face was full of worry. "Because that would mean we would end, and I never want that to happen...." His smile returned as he grabbed your hands. "Me neither (Y/N). I would never want to leave you....Now, let's go to iHop! My treat because, well, we have nothing for breakfast and I'm starving!" "Sounds like a plan! You go get changed and I'll be right up!" Alright Babe, hurry!" Carlos kissed you again before getting up off the floor and heading up the stairs to the bedroom. You got up and set the plates in the sink before going into the living room to find your phone. Once you found it on the floor you sat on the sofa and clicked on your Gallery, then on the newest picture of a concerned looking Carlos before choosing to share it with Instagram and Twitter. After you put a filter on it you typed in the comment box. "Awww! Look at my Boyfriend all worried about me! How sweet! I win this time Los, and sorry for the scare ;) Love You Babe!" You hit the arrow and watched it appear on your Instagram. Immediately, you saw the likes and comments come rolling in. The fans were congratulating you on your win, asking about what you meant by "scare" and commenting on how cute Carlos looked when he was worried. A few even tagged Carlos and asked him what he was worried about. After you saw those comments you laughed before heading up the stairs. You walked into the bedroom and went straight for the closet. Knowing Carlos was in the bathroom you changed in the walk in closet and used the mirror on the wall to brush out your hair with your fingers, leaving light curls but no big tangles. "Are you ready?" Carlos asked you as he walked in. "Yeah, I'm ready." You smiled at him as he took your hand in his and led you downstairs and to the car. The car ride was eventful, blaring music and singing along for twenty minutes before you reached the closest iHop. You got out after Carlos opened the door for you and you two walked hand in hand into the restaurant. You two sat down and ordered, and it didn't take long to get your food because it was so early and there were only a few other people there before you. As you ate, your pancakes with whipped cream you heard Carlos laugh, but when you looked up he was just looking at you. "What?" "Oh nothing!" Carlos laughed again as you took your phone out of your pocket and found a Twitter and Instagram notification. You opened the Twitter first and saw a tweet by Carlos with you mentioned in it. The comment said: "Even though she won this time, I still got a picture! And I didn't even have to scare her! How cute is she eating her pancakes? ;) I Love You @(Whatever Your Twitter Username is/would be)!" You smiled before favoriting and replying to the tweet with: "Haha, very funny Los! And sorry again about the scare Baby! I'll try to be kinder next month when I win! Love you <3" Carlos grabbed his phone and saw your reply as you went on Instagram and liked the picture of you he had taken minutes before. "You know I love you, right?" Carlos asked out of no where. You looked up and looked into his eyes. "Of course! And I love you too Los, so, so much you have no idea...." He reached his hands across the table and you placed your hands in his. A waitress came over to take your empty plates, but before she walked away Carlos stopped her, "Miss. can you please take a picture of our hands please..?" She looked at him with a confused look but soon smiled and agreed. He handed her his phone and showed her how to take a picture before taking your hands in his again. She took the picture and handed his phone back to him before taking the empty plates and cups and leaving. Soon, your phone went off again. You checked it and clicked on your twitter notification. You read the tweet: "Happy Two Year Anniversary (Y/N)! This is True Love without a doubt! I Love You Forever and Always <3 @(Whatever Your Twitter Username is/would be)" Under the tweet was the picture just taken of your hands resting in his on the table, his thumbs clearly stroking your hands as he was when it was taken. A smile spread across your face as you hit the reply and typed: ".....I Love You so much Carlos...Happy Two Year Anniversary, and there better be Two-Hundred more! True Love doesn't get better than this :) <3" You hit send and it sent to twitter. You saw Carlos check his phone and look up to smile at you. "I Love You (Y/N), so much...Happy Two Year Anniversary my Love." "I Love You too Carlos.." He leaned over the table and you did the same as your lips met. In this moment, no matter what happened earlier in the morning, you knew today was perfect for the both of you.


Authors Note~Awwwww! I think this is really cute! But tell me what you guys think!!! Did you like it? Well, sorry for the wait, but I'm gonna try to upload a little more often than I have been the last month or so...Just be patient please! Until next time my Awkward and Random Trow Pillows! Don't ask.. :P :D

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