Carlos Imagine (Part One)

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Authors Note ~ For some reason, I feel like next week is going to be really busy and stressful....So, I'm gonna write and upload another one for you guys! Enjoy! :)


Just Imagine....


"No, no, no, no, no, no!" You heard Carlos in the other room. "This can't be happening! Why now!?" By now you were standing in the doorway, waiting for him to turn around. "Yeah, alright, fine. I guess there's nothing I can do but go. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye." When he turned around and saw you, he sighed.

"What happened?"

He began to walk toward you with his eyes glued to the ground.

"Carlos, what's wrong?" Once he reached you, you wrapped your arms around his neck. You tried to lean into him, but something got in the way.

"I'm sorry...." He continued to look to the ground as his hands found your waist.

"Why, Baby?" He finally looked into your eyes.

"Kendall just called to let me know management officially confirmed our tour.."

"Well, that's great!" You smiled until you saw his face. "Isn't it...?"

"(Y/N), they extended it from a 2 month to a 3 month tour." Your heart dropped.


"See, I knew you would be upset! I need to call them and back out of it." He had turned away from you and pulled his phone back out.

"No you won't!" You grabbed his phone out of his hand. "You can't! This is probably the last one for you guys, remember?"

"I know that, (Y/N), but I can't just leave you. Not now."

"Carlos, I'll be fine."

"(Y/N), you're 6 months pregnant! I don't want you giving birth to our child while I'm off on tour!"

"Please don't yell at me." You turned around to walk out of the room, but he grabbed your arm.

"I'm so sorry, Beautiful. I didn't mean it, you know that...." You turned back around to face him.

"I know that. And you need to know I'm only trying to get you to go because it's the best thing. The guys need you there, without you it wouldn't be a Big Time Rush tour. And the fans need you, they all know by now it's about up, and they have been waiting for this one last big thing for a while now. They deserve it, and you guys deserve it, after everything you've been through and put into the band."

"And you deserve to have your husband, the father of your baby at your side when you are giving birth."

"I know, and I understand that. But I have a feeling nothing is going to happen until it knows it's daddy is back home for good."


"Just trust me. I'll be fine, we'll both be fine." You took his hand and placed it on your stomach. As soon as his hand touched, the baby kicked. He looked up and smiled at you.

"Alright, I guess so....But if anything happens I will leave the tour and fly back here immediately. And I'm letting management know that too. I'm not just leaving you high and dry for 3 months when by the last week of the tour you will be full term." You couldn't help but laugh.

"I guess that's fair, Carlos. But don't just come back if you think it's something bad. Let me tell you when I need you." He sighed.

"Alright, deal."

"Deal." He kissed your forehead, then knelt down to lift up your shirt and kiss your stomach.

"You know, you won't miss a thing. And besides, if I need anything, there are plenty of people around here that would be glad to help if I gave them a call. Just about anyone from the show, Kendall's family....I'm sure Kendall's mom would even let me stay at their house the last week or two if that would make you feel better.."

"I think that sounds great! We can arrange that tomorrow before I start packing."

"When do you guys leave?"

"The day after tomorrow...."

"Oh...Well, I guess we better get some sleep!" You put your shirt back down and began to walk away. Again, Carlos grabbed your arm.

"Hey, I love you." He pulled you as close as he could and kissed you, deepening the kiss every few seconds. Once you two parted and caught your breath, you looked into his eyes.

"I love you too." He kissed your forehead.

"I know.." He gently grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom. You can't wait for the next 3 months to go by, even though Carlos hasn't even left yet. By then, he will be back, and your little family of 2 will be a little growing family of 3. Just like you know it should be.


Authors Note ~ I don't know about this ending, but I need to shower, so I had to end it somehow :) I hope you guys liked it! And I'm not trying to scare anyone with the hints at the end of BTR in the Imagine, but we all know it will come eventually. And while writing this one it kind of just flowed out, I didn't really think while writing it, so it just happened. But, after saying that, I'd also like to say, don't be sad when it ends, be happy it even happened. We were all brought together because of those 4 boys, and even after the band ends, they will still be friends, we will still have each of them, and we will still have each other. I love you guys! <3 :D


I forgot to add this earlier! But if you lovely people were having a child with one of the guys, what would you name it if it was a boy, and if it was a girl!? I really like the name Maddox, and I actually really like Maddox James (and it would be Schmidt, obviously, since I'm a Kendall girl ;) ) and for a girl, I don't know....I just recently started thinking about the name Arabella....But I also like Aliyah and Kylie. And any of those with the middle name Rose would sound adorable :) So, tell me! What cute baby names do you guys have in mind? :D

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