__________ Imagine (Read to find out who!)

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_________ Imagine


Your boyfriend just broke up with you at a party. After he did so he turned around and kissed the first girl he saw, right in front of you. You immediately ran out, crying. 

Your now Ex was your ride. None of your friends were there and you didn't know many people at the party. You live quite a way from where the party was and you can't find any cell service. The only option is to walk either until you reach your house or until you get cell service. 

As you walk alone, trying to erase what just happened from your mind, you hear a car behind you. The car pulls up next to you and the passenger window rolls down. "Hey, do you need a ride?" A male voice asks you. 

"No, I'm fine." You say through your sobs. 

"But it's really dark out, and late. You shouldn't be walking alone." 

"I'm fine, I don't need a ride. But thanks anyway." You start to walk a little faster, wanting to get away from the stranger. Just then, the car stops and the stranger gets out. He runs in front of his car and stops in front of you. You back up a little before he grabs your arms. 

"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" He asks. You look up into his eyes and recognize him, but your memory is too fuzzy at the moment to place his face. 

"Not really. . ." You reply, still trying to place a name with his face. 

"What happened?" You can easily spot the worry in his eyes. 

"My boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend. . .he just broke up with me at a party he took me to. Then he turned around and kissed some random girl. He was my ride, I didn't know anyone else there. So now I'm walking home. . ." You trail off, getting lost in his eyes and still trying to find the name that's literally on the tip of your tongue. 

"That's horrible! How could any guy treat you like that? It's too late to be walking alone somewhere like this. Please, just let me bring you home. . ." he asks with a pleading look in his eyes. You are reluctant, but you agree as he opens the passenger door for you. Most of the car ride is silent except for you giving him directions. Once at your house you realize you don't want to leave the stranger. 

"Thanks for the ride. . ." You smile shyly at him as you go to get out of the car. He grabs your arm before you can get out. 

"Wait!" You watch as he finds a napkin and writes something on it. 

"Please, call me. Or text. Something. I just have to talk to you, and see you again. . ." He hands you the napkin and looks into your eyes. 

"Okay, I will." You smile at him and get out of the car. As you walk up the steps you don't hear him leave. Once you open your door and step inside, you look back and see him smiling. You give him a small wave and watch him drive away. 

After you watch his car vanish into the distance, you look at the napkin. Your heart instantly skips a beat when you read what is written: "Here's my number. Please don't forget about me. I'l never forget about you. Carlos Pena."


Note: Hey, here editing a 2012 Imagine in 2019 again. . .and. . .SO unrealistic. SUCH fanfiction. But that's the fun of it, right!? Right. . .

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