Carlos Imagine

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Authors Note~Random Carlos Imagine while watching the VMAs. I think yes! :D Enjoy! :D


Carlos Imagine


Imagine: You and Carlos have been dating for a while now. It's been the happiest time of your life, and you truly feel he may be the one; you definitely know you want to spend the rest of your life with him. He's been gone on business with the band for a couple of weeks, and he's supposed to be coming home soon. As you wait, you think back to the night before he left......."(Y/N), I'm going to miss you so much..." Carlos said as he lightly kissed your neck. He rested his hands either side of your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I'm gonna miss you too, Carlos..." You tilted your head back, allowing him easier access. He slowly kissed his way to your lips before kissing you passionately. For a moment, he broke the kiss and looked into your eyes. "(Y/N), I know we said we would wait, and I respect that...But I love you so much, and I don't know how I'm going to survive without you for almost three weeks...I guess, what I'm trying to ask you....Are you ready?" You could see the sincerity and worry in his eyes. It was always cute to you how he cared so much about what you felt about everything. "Carlos, I don't know how in the world I'm going to survive without you either.....But I wouldn't want anything more...I don't know how I could be more ready than I am right now..." You smiled at him as he grinned. "Well, I guess we should take this to the bedroom." You giggled as Carlos easily and gently scooped you up into his arms and began carrying you to the bedroom you shared. He carefully laid you down on the bed and climbed on top of you, kissing you passionately. You started to lift his shirt, and he stopped kissing you to take it off, and take yours off as well. "Are you sure (Y/N)?" He whispered in your ear as he paused at your bra clasp behind your back. You looked up into his eyes. "Yes Carlos, I'm positive." Right after you answered, he unclasped your bra and pulled it off. You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off, along with his boxers. He quickly did the same with yours. Carlos climbed back on top of you and began kissing your neck, and by your ear. "Ready?" He whispered while kissing your ear. "Ready." You answered. You couldn't wait any longer, and you were extremely happy that Carlos would very soon be your first.........."Baby!" Carlos called from the front door, pulling you out of your daydream. "Carlos! I missed you!" You yelled as you ran into his arms. He lifted you up off the ground and spun you a few times, making you laugh. "I missed you too (Y/N)! So much! Like crazy!" You both laughed as he gave you another bear hug. "Crazy! I went insane!" You exclaim as you look into his eyes. He leans down and kisses you passionately, giving you goosebumps and butterflies because it reminded you of that night. It also reminded you of your news. "I love you so much (Y/N), it's literally beyond words. Beyond simply 'I love you'.." Carlos began kissing your neck, and you know what he wants. "Carlos....I need to tell you something...." You begin as he looks into your eyes. "I need to tell you something too...But you first Babe!" He said with a smile. You are very nervous, and scared as to how he will take the news. "Carlos....I know you remember what happened the night before you left..Obviously...I know there would be no way I could ever forget about it even if I tried, and I would never want to...." You pause as you both laugh at your rambling, but you laugh because you're nervous. "Yeah, what about it (Y/N)? I wasn't bad, was I?!?" He looked worried, and you laughed out loud. "Oh no! Carlos, you were perfect!" "Oh, good." He sighed. "And so were you Baby, amazing." You both laugh again, and blush. "Well.....Ummm...I'm not sure exactly how to say this Carlos...." You trail off, looking down. "What happened (Y/N)? Are you sick, hurt? Did I hurt you?" He held your face in his hands as he looked in your eyes, his full of worry. "Carlos, you didn't hurt me, I know you never would, and you never could. And I'm not sick...Not really anyway...." "Are you saying what I think you're saying...?" Carlos asked you, worry slowly leaving his eyes and expression. "Carlos....I'm pregnant." At first, Carlos' mouth dropped, and no words came out. You knew you were worried for a reason, and tears began to stream down your face, "Baby! Why are you crying!?" He asked, finally speaking, and wiping your tears away as they fell. "I'm pregnant. Carlos, I'm pregnant." You simply say as he continues to wipe your tears. "But that's great news (Y/N)! Amazing news! I'm going to be a Daddy, and you're going to be a wonderful Mom! Why are you upset?" "I just thought that maybe you would be mad at me or something..." "For what? Baby, I could never be mad at you, and especially not when you're carrying our child! I love you too much to ever let anything get between us!" He pulled you into a hug, and you continue to cry. "(Y/N), I said I'm not mad...Why are you still crying?" You look up at him. "I'm pregnant, remember! Trust me, these are happy tears!" You both laugh. "Well, I think there will be even more happy tears..." Carlos grinned at you. "What? Why?" You ask him, puzzled. "This is perfect! Just perfect! You're pregnant, and I'm going to be a Dad! And now....What I need to tell you..." Carlos let you go and got down on one knee, taking a little box out of his pocket. You gasp as you realize what's about to happen, and he giggled. "(Y/N), I know we've been through a lot, and we've had a few bumps in the road, but we always make it through. You mean the world to me, the universe! I love you so much, and while I was gone, I knew this was what I had to do as soon as I got home, and now knowing we're having a child together, it's perfect! But you need to know I'm not doing this because you are pregnant...But it's almost fate, that they happened at the same time. (Y/N), will you marry me? I couldn't picture anyone else as Mrs. Pena..." By now, you are shaking, and still crying happy tears. "Y-y-yes Carlos. I love you so much.." You choke out between your tears as he slips the beautiful band on your ring finger and pulls you into a huge hug. "I love you (Y/N). You're my everything. My World Wide." You both smile at his reference. He bends down and lifts up your shirt, exposing your stomach. "Hi my little Baby! I'm your Daddy! And just between the two of us, you have the best Mommy in the world!" Carlos lightly kisses your stomach then grins up at you before standing back up, leaving your stomach exposed. He begins lightly rubbing your stomach as he kisses you sweetly. "I love you Carlos..." You whisper between kisses. "I love you too (Y/N)..." He whispers back, continuing to kiss you softly.


Authors Note~............I think I really like this one! Maybe my favorite yet! What do you think? Don't be afraid to let me know! Until next time my Awkward and Random Rain Droplets! :D

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