Kendall Imagine

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Authors Note~ In honor of the fire alarm being pulled at my dorms again, so the third time now to be specific, I decided to write this. Oh, and this time, they told us we, the residents, are being fined by the fire department because it was pulled without reason, for the third time. I swear if I knew who it was, I would snitch until no tomorrow because I am fed up. At least it was pulled at 5:30 pm instead of 5:30 am. You see, three weeks ago, it was pulled on a Thursday morning at 5:30, then the same thing the next week. Then we had spring break. And now it was pulled on a Thursday night at 5:30. See the pattern there? And I know the first 2 times it was the fire alarm on the same floor, and the same one in fact. I'm guessing someone freaked out because they missed it this morning, and had to do it at the same time, different time of the day. Psycho. I am so mad right now. None of ya'll even understand. Anyway, enjoy!


Just Imagine....



"Baby, wake up...." You hear a familiar voice whine next to your ear, making you smile. You open your eyes and turn your head, seeing his bright green eyes just inches from yours. "Good morning, baby," he smiles and leans in, kissing your lips gently.

"Morning..." You mumble against his lips, making him smile. Once you two part, his strong arms pull you close. "Why did you wake me up?" You plant a couple short kisses on his bare chest after your question, feeling his breath hitch with each one, making you smirk.

"Because, I started breakfast!"

You look up to see his wide smile and prominent dimples, "Really? What are you making?" You crinkle your nose at the unsettling scent of smoke. Something burning. Then you see his eyes go wide before he jumps out of bed and runs out of the room. You get up and run after him, following his pounding feet and the scent to the kitchen.

"Shit!" You stop at the doorway of the kitchen and see Kendall in front of the stove. As you walked closer you saw him flip the last pancake, it's bottom completely black like the rest. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Why were you using all four burners at once? And why did you leave them while they were cooking?"

"So they would cook faster, and so I could wake you up just before they were done.." He looks at you with sad eyes and then looked down in disappointment.

You sigh and turn to the stove, turning the burners off before any more damage could be done. Then you turned to him and took his face in your hands, making him look at you. "Hey, it's no big deal! We'll just clean this up, then get ready to go out for breakfast! Babe, you tried, and that's all that matters." You got on your tiptoes and place a quick kiss on the tip of his nose, making him smile.

"Yeah...But I guess it was pretty dumb of me to leave the stove.." He chuckled, causing you to do the same.

"Yeah, it was, but I still love you."

He smiled, "I lo--" Just then, a piercing sound filled the air. You could no longer hear him, and then you couldn't feel him anymore. You tried calling out for him, but no sound came out. The kitchen filled with grey, and you grabbed your throat, gasping for air. You didn't understand what was happening, or why he left you there alone....


Something was burning your nose and throat, and you were struggling to breathe. A loud alarm was sounding, and it soon pulled you out of your dream, allowing you to open your eyes. The bedroom was dark, the only light was from a street light shining through the window, and colored flashing lights brightened the room for moments before they passed.

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