Kendall Imagine

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Author's Note: Hopefully I'll be able to write this one A LOT faster than I wrote the last one! :P Enjoy! :)

P.S. (Y/L/N) means Your Last Name, and  (F/N) means your Friend's Name....Hopefully this doesn't make it confusing..If it is, I'd suggest coming up with a name for the friend now and thinking that name whenever you read (F/N)...Then again, I may just be underestimating you guys and worrying for no reason, which I often do..Worry for no reason....Haha :P


Just Imagine....


"No!" You lightly slapped your friend on the arm.

"Come on, (Y/N)! I swear this guy is perfect for you!"

"You said that about the last, what, 4, 7, 30 guys you've met!?" You both laughed. 

A waiter walked up to your table with his pad already out and handy, along with a clicking pen, which was quite obnoxious. "What would you two young ladies like to drink?"

"Ummmm....How about, a pepsi..." (F/N) said as she looked at the menu.

"Alright," He said as he wrote it down. "And for you?"

"Just a water.." You smiled at him as he wrote down your request.

"Ok, ladies, I'll be right back with the drinks!"

"Thanks!" Both of you called after him.

"Now, what to eat...." (F/N) began to paw through the seemingly endless menu in search for whatever she was in the mood for while you simply stuck with the salads and sandwiches page.

"I think I'll get a salad and a turkey sandwich....Or maybe I'll just ask to have turkey in the salad...."

"(Y/N)! Why don't you ever eat something more than a salad, or a sandwich? Have a steak once in a while!" (F/N) joked. "I don't care what you're having, I'm gonna get me a nice, big, juicy cheeseburger!" You both laughed.

"Whatever you want, get it! I'm not stopping you!" Just then, four guys walked in, making quite the disturbance.

"Well, well.....Look what we have here..." (F/N) turned around and looked at them. "Not bad.....not bad at all....." She licked her lips.

You kicked her leg under the table, causing her to jump and turn around. "Stop looking at guys like they're pieces of meat! My God! Act civilized!"

"If they were slices of meat, (Y/N), they'd definitely be premium cut."

"What is you're problem?" You asked as you shook your head. Just then, the waiter came back with your drinks. 

"Here's your water..." He sat your glass down with no problem. "And here's your pepsi..." As he was setting the glass down it tipped and spilled all over the table. Both you and (F/N) jumped up before any could get on either of you. "I'm SO sorry!" The waiter looked mortified, yet his shouting only drew in more attention. "Here, ladies....Let me move you to a different table...." You grabbed your perfectly fine water and followed him to another booth, which was conveniently behind the four guys that had just walked in, and who were now watching what was going on, as well as everyone else in the restaurant. "Here you go....I'll be right back with another pepsi...What would you like to eat?"

"Just a salad and a turkey sandwich.." You answered first since (F/N) was still situating herself.

"Oh! A cheeseburger and fries for me!" She spoke up after she was finished fumbling around in her purse.

"Alright! I'll be right back!" He rushed off.

"See what you did!?" You said after he was far enough away.

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