Carlos Imagine

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Author's Note: WOW GUYS! Over 44,000 reads (34,000, oops! I guess I'm just dreaming :P)! That's amazing! It's awesome to know SO many of you enjoy my Imagines! I'm sorry it took SO long to update the last one, but I was busy with school and everything....Updates should come more frequently now that it's summer though! :) Anyway, enjoy!


Just Imagine....


You and Carlos are having a lazy day. The band is on a vacation, and filming for the show doesn't start for another few weeks. It's been nice having Carlos around the house. You love going with him to events, dropping by to surprise him on set, and accompanying him on tour, but you'd rather a simple relaxing afternoon at home with the love of your life by your side.

"Hey, Babe?" Carlos asked amidst the silence in the room. You enjoined the silence, but his voice is just so perfect and gentle.  

You looked up as your head remained on his chest, "Yeah, Pumpkin?" He smiled.

"You know, It's cute when you call me that." 

You blushed, "Well, that's why I call you it."

"Anyway, Why don't we play a game?"

You raised an eyebrow, "What kind of game, Carlos?"

"I don't know....Hide and Seek?"

"What are you? A 6 year old?" You laugh; he was so adorable when he let his inner-kid shine through for you to see, which wasn't uncommon, but you still loved it.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a kid at heart!"

"No, I know, I know....So..Hide and Seek?" You asked him with a smile. His face instantly lit up.

"Yes! So, house, garage and back yard are on limits, and everything else is off limits."

You laughed, "Ok Carlos, but ca--"

"I wanna go first! Can I hide!?"

"Calm down! Just go hide, and I'll count to...."


"Oh my God, Carlos! No!" You laughed.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Please!" He begged you.

"No! That's way too long! Plus, you just want to find THE best spot I'll never find!"

"(Y/N), that's kinda the point.." He laughed and shook his head.

"Yeah, I know, but...500 Carlitos!?!"

"Yes Babe! Now, just close your eyes and count!"

"Fine!" You huffed. You were sure 500 would take you at least half an hour. 

"Yay!" Carlos stood up from the living room couch, causing you to fall back.


"Sorry Babe!" Before you could say anything, you felt Carlos' soft, warm lips connect with your's for a few blissful seconds.

You simply smiled as you heard Carlos rush away. You begin counting in your head, occasionally getting lost in thought and memories of Carlos, and how perfect he is for you.

'1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12..........'

You hear something loud from somewhere in the house, and almost open your eyes before you remember about the game.

'74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86.....'

You hear another loud sound. "Carlos!"

"Don't you dare open your eyes, (Y/N)!"

"Ok...." You go back to counting in your head, innocently skipping over a few....dozen numbers.

'159, 160, 161, 162, 163....'

"Carlos! Can I stop now!?"

"No Babe! Keep going!"


'307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315...'

You began loosing count count, and nearly falling asleep until you heard another noise.

'488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500.'

"Carlos! Can I look now!?" You didn't hear anything, so you assumed it was ok to open your eyes and begin the search. You got up and looked around the living room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Well, to the kitchen!" You went into the kitchen, but there was no sign of Carlos. You even looked in the broom closet, one of his usual hiding spots, but nothing.

"Huh.....Well, I can try the backyard.." You venture off into the high-fenced backyard. No sign of Carlos there either. You go back inside, searching every last crevice of the downstairs without any prevail. 

"I guess he's upstairs...." You head upstairs and search the two guest bedrooms; nothing. You decide to head into the bedroom you two share, and a smile creeps over your face when you walk through the doorway. You see, on your bed, a lump under the covers. Silently laughing to yourself, you walk quietly over to the side of the bed. 

"Hmmmm.....I wonder where my lovely boyfriend could ever be...?" You slowly grab the edge of the cover and open it just enough to slide under it. When you get under the cover, you're face to face with Carlos. "I think I win." You laugh as you get close to his face. 

"Awwww man! You found me!" Carlos whined, rather unconvincingly.

"What did you do?" You asked suspiciously as you began to inch closer to his body.

"What are you talking about?" He smirked. In just a moment, you knew what he was doing. As your clothed body made contact with his bare frame, you blushed.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, Carlos?" You asked, still blushing.

"Do you want to play a different game?" He winked. The only response you could provide was pressing your eager lips onto his. The day was clearly just getting started. 


Author's Note: So, what did you guys think? I really like this one! :)

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