Logan Imagine

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Logan Imagine


You and Logan have been friends for a long time -- ever since elementary school. The two of you were almost inseparable up until he left to follow his dreams of singing and acting. You tried to stay in contact, but his busy schedule made it difficult. Now, you are looking through a scrapbook you had made for him before he left, but you never got the chance to give it to him. 

As your eyes scan over the many memories you and Logan shared, tears start to blur your vision. It has been almost a week since he's texted you, over three months since you talked to him on the phone, and even longer since you've skyped. You're missing his voice now more than ever; and his hug that could always make your worries go away. 

Logan always protected you, and ever since he left you felt so vulnerable. Lately, you have been feeling differently. When missing him, your heart ached much more than before. You realized how you truly felt about Logan after he had been gone for so long, and as you look through the pages, your tears fall. 

Suddenly, you hear something hit your window. When you turn around, your heart skips a beat. There, sitting on the large tree branch outside your window is Logan, smiling widely. You rush over and open your window. 

"Logan! What are you doing here?" You ask as you help him into your bedroom. 

"I came to see you, (Y/N). But if you want me to leave, I can go. . ." He says with a grin as he begins to turn away. 

You lightly hit his upper arm. "You know what I meant, Logie!" You both laugh before he pulls you into a hug. 

"I missed you so much, (Y/N). I'm so sorry I couldn't talk to you more often. We're just so busy with the show and band and everything. . ." 

You sigh into his chest, breathing in his familiar scent that always put a smile on your face. "I missed you too Logan. . ." 

"Hey, what's that?" He asks as you pull away from the hug to see what he was pointing at and noticed he meant the scrapbook on your bed. 

"Oh! That -- it's really nothing. . ." You say as you rush back to your bed to close it and put it away. Before you have a chance to fully close it, Logan comes right up behind you and stops you by grabbing your hand. 

"Is that from the school trip in 6th grade?" He asks, still holding onto your hand. 

As you answer, you stare at his hand on top of yours. "Yeah, but this really isn't anything special. . ." 

"Oh, so our memories aren't important. . ?" You spin around and look into his eyes. 

"That's not what I meant Logan, I'm sorry!" 

"Hey, calm down -- I was just kidding!" Logan laughs as you glare at him. 

"Don't do that to me again Logie!" You lightly hit his arm again. 

"Okay, okay. Sorry (Y/N). When did you get into scrapbooking anyway?" 

"I'm not. . .well, not since this one, or before it. . ." You look down as red flares into your cheeks. 

"Why not?" 

"I haven't had any good memories since you left. . ." You feel the tears falling again. Logan tilts your face up with his hand and pulls you into another hug after he realizes you're crying. 

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I never meant to just leave you like that. But I had to leave to reach my dream, you know that." He lightly rubs your back as he talks to you in his soothing voice. Very soon, your tears stop and you look up into his eyes. 

"I just missed you so much. . ."

"I know, and I missed you too. But I'm here now. . .why don't we relax for a bit and go through the scrapbook?" You smile at him and nod your head. You go to grab the book, but he again stops you by grabbing your hand. 

"Why don't we just lay on your bed and go through it?" He smiles at you as he says this. 

"I suppose so, whatever you want." You both laugh as you climb into your bed, both of you slipping under the covers, sitting right next to each other. 

"Hey, I haven't seen you in forever. . .come here!" Logan pulls you closer to him as he puts his arm around your shoulders. You feel yourself blush, but you don't look at him. He grabs the book and opens it up to the first page. 

"Hey! That was our first day of kindergarten!" Logan exclaims as he points to the first picture. 

"Yeah, well, to me, that was the first day you saved me. . ." You feel yourself blush again as you look at the picture. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, remember when we were all outside and I fell, then all the other kids started laughing at me? And I was crying until you came over and helped me up, then you hugged me. It may not seem like much, but back then, it meant a lot to me, Logan. Even now, it still means a lot. . ." 

Logan took your face in his free hand and looked right into your eyes. "(Y/N), I will always be here for you. That day means everything to me -- if you weren't such a klutz, I wouldn't have gone over to help you up, and we probably wouldn't have become friends. . ." 

You shove him a little. "Logan! I know I'm a klutz, but do you have to remind me?" 

"Yeah, 'cause you're my klutz." You smile at him before looking back down at the scrapbook. Both of you laugh as Logan turns the page. For about an hour you two looked through each picture, talking about the memories. 

"Hey, why did you make this anyway?" Logan finally asks after he closes the scrapbook. 

"I meant to give it to you before you left, but I never got the chance. . ." You look down again.

"Hey, don't be sad -- I'm here now. . ." 

"But for how long Logan? And how long will I have to wait before I see you when you leave. . .again?" This time, you look up into his eyes. 

"I'm only here for a few days, and I don't know, (Y/N). I'm just so busy. . ." 

"I know. . ." You reply as you stop the eye contact, unable to bear the thought of him leaving soon. 

"(Y/N), I need to tell you something. . .While I've been gone, I realized something. Something I felt before, but I guess I didn't understand. . .(Y/N). . .I'm in love with you." You instantly look up into his eyes, but before you have a chance to respond, Logan leans in and kisses you softly. After he breaks the kiss, you look into his eyes as your foreheads touch. 

"I'm in love with you too, Logan. After you left, it hit me -- I love you. . ." Logan leans back in and kisses you. You wrap your arms around his neck as he gently maneuvers himself on top of you. Minutes pass, and Logan kisses you with so much passion and force. You finally feel whole and complete. 

Logan stops and looks into your eyes. "I've wanted to do that for so long. . ." 

"Me too. . ." 

"Why haven't you left this town yet, (Y/N)? You have so much potential, and I know you have dreams too. Isn't there a dream you need to chase?" 

You smile at him before answering. "Logan, in order for me to chase my dream, I would have to follow you. . ." 

Logan smiles down at you. "Well, that can be arranged. All you have to do is ask me -- no, I'm asking you. (Y/N), will you please come home with me?" 

"Really Logan? Are you serious?" You stare at him in disbelief. 

"Of course. Anything for you (Y/N), anything. . ." He responds before kissing you again.

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