Chapter 32

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Joe's POV

D-"This is weird, this is so weird"
J-"Do you still want to marry me"
D-"Yes, of course, I do silly, it's just strange"
D-"I haven't even met your family yet"
J-"And I haven't met yours yet and we're engaged also your family live on this island"
D-"If we lived in England we could see your family and my fam-"
J-"Haha nice try but it's called a plane so we can fly to them and sorry but we will be living in the nice place everyone will be coming to visit us and I did notice how you dodged my statement"
J-"If we move away we'll be moving away from your family"
J-"Ummm can I meet you, family, soon"
D-"Okay but you've already met them"
J-"What does that mean"
D-"You've met them a lot of times without realizing"
D-"Remember the first day you got here"
D-"Who gave you the keys to that old dusty place"
J-"Oh this really kind man"
D-"Yeah that's my Makuakāne which also means father"
D-"Do you remember that man who talked to us about surfing and he also served us at the bar"
D-"That's my brother Kale well obviously not biological but he's still my brother and remember that woman who served us those fruits at the market"
D-"That's my Makuahine which translates to mother"
J-"Oh my, I've already met all of your family"
D-"Pretty much as soon as you laid eyes on me my family were watching you like a hawk"
J-"Well do they like me"
D-"They said you have great manners and seem very polite and down to earth also my brother thinks your accent is funny but my mum likes it and my dad doesn't have an opinion on your accent"

Dianne giggled. I laughed along with her.

J-"So they like me"
D-"Yes and they like me and you together which is good"
J-"Well yeah since we're getting married"
D-"I know it's always helpful"
J-"Anyway do you want to go out for breakfast my treat"
D-"Oooo don't mind if we do"
J-"Well come on then my love we best be off the carriage is waiting for us"
D-"Annnddd we're in the 1800s again"

I laughed and helped Dianne up. I really hope Dianne eventually is on board with staying here I know we had that whole debate a while back about I didn't want to move away from England but at the end of the day I don't like living in England and I've loved every bit of Hawaii and I love every bit of Dianne. I was being stupid to think that I could live without her, I clearly can't. Something clicked in my mind but now Dianne doesn't want to stay here. Honestly, this is going to take a while. Although she doesn't seem so convinced by her argument as before so it might not be as hard as I thought.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne stories:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love
•When Christmas Come To Town

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