Chapter 12

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Dianne's POV

I was ready.

I wish I was wearing this dress to go on a date with Joe

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I wish I was wearing this dress to go on a date with Joe. But I'm not.


We walked down the cobbled street, all of the buildings were in the way of the calming sea. On the way into the busy restaurant, I could see Joe sat at the bar. What was he doing here? I was happy that Joe was here but-, actually wait this is awkward. I just really want to switch Paul for Joe. Which I obviously can't do because that's rude. We all sat down and I was praying Joe hadn't seen me.

P-"Hey you must be Dianne"
D-"Yeah and you're Paul"

His voice is SO one toned. I looked over at Joe and he was staring right at me. I smirked and he smiled back. Whilst Paul was talking about God knows what I kept looking over at Joe and he was pulling some really funny faces. I eventually broke and started giggling. I put my hand over my face trying to cover it.

P-"What's funny about that"
D-"Sorry what"
P-"What's funny about my dog dying three weeks ago"
D-"Oh my I'm so sorry I wasn't laughing at that"
D-"You know what I'm gonna go to the bar and get us some more drinks"

I got up and went straight over to Joe shaking my head.

D-"He was talking about his dog dying and you made me laugh"

Joe laughed.

D-"It's not funny"
J-"That's brilliant"
D-"You just made me seem like such an awful person to Paul"
J-"Oh that's his name"
D-"Yes and he's really nice"
J-"You don't know that"
D-"Yes I do"
J-"You haven't listened to one thing he's said"
D-"Yes I have"
J-"What's his dogs' name"
D-"Urmm fe...lix Felix"
J-"That's a cats name off of that advert"
D-"Damn I was hoping you wouldn't no that"
J-"You're silly"
D-"Yeah and you're annoying if you hadn't been staring at me I wouldn't be in this situation"
J-"Well it's hard not to stare when you're that beautiful"
J-"You look really pretty, especially your eyes"
D-"I didn't do anything to them"
D-"Anyway what are you doing here"
J-"Waiting for someone"
D-"No you're not"
J-"You're right my friends went back to that nightclub"
J-"Yeah I am definitely not going there again"

Joe started to back away from the bar.

D-"Hey where are you going now then"
J-"To wander"
D-"Don't leave me"
J-"You're the one that on a date with another guy"

Joe walked out of the restaurant and onto the colourful and enchanting streets of Hawaii. Urgh back to Paul I go. Please send HELP! Joe please come back and save me.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne stories:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love

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