Chapter 29

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Dianne's POV

So as far as I can tell I have two options I could get on the plane to America or I could get on a plane to England. Both of which are stupid ideas. Going back to America was just going to lead to a life of misery as we all just witnessed in my head, why did I imagine that all out and put myself through misery when it hasn't even happened yet, or I could get on a plane to England which is again stupid. If I got on a plane to England where would I go? I don't know where he lives and most likely after the flight, it will be night so dangerous if I don't know where I'm going. And then what would I do? There are probably millions of Joe's scattered around England I can't just go looking for him in a sea of Joe's it would never work and I can't just wait to hopefully bump into him because I could be in the wrong neighbourhood let alone half of the city. Urgh! All I know is I can't get on this plane. But I have to! No, I can't! I really have to get on this plane otherwise it will leave without me. No, I can't! I turned around.

Flight attendant-"Ma'am where are you going"
D-"I don't know"

I turned around and everyone had boarded on Joe's plane, the doors were closed. Why would he get off we both agreed we would just go back to our normal lives. What a silly thought Dianne. I got onto the plane and sat down in my seat. I guess lame plan A it is. A life filled with misery here I come. It better not be how I imagined with all that comfort food and tears. No, I really can't.

D-"I've got to get off this plane"
Flight attendant-"Ma'am are you sure"
D-"Yes I never been surer, please I've got to get off"
Flight attendant-"Okay if you're sure"

She got the doors to open again, I quickly grabbed my overhead luggage and got off.

D-"Thank you"
Flight attendant-"You're welcome"

I had just got off the plane. Love really does drive you crazy. I quickly walked down the tunnel, it turned into a run at the end. I pushed open the doors to the airport.


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Check out my other Joanne stories:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love
•When Christmas Come To Town

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