Chapter 13

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Dianne's POV

P-"Where are the drinks"
D-"Oh I'm so sorry"
P-"It's okay"
D-"No it's not, I wouldn't be fair if I stayed any longer and wasted your time here's some money to pay for everything"
D-"I'm sorry"

I ran out of the restaurant onto the streets. I looked left and couldn't see Joe. I looked right and there he was wandering along. I ran towards him. When I reached him I took my arm and wrapped it around his.

J-"Hey, wait what... where's Paul"
D-"I left my head wasn't in it I wasn't being fair to him"
J-"And why's that"
D-"Because I have this major crush on this other boy"
J-"Really what's he like"
D-"He's really handsome, he is funny although if I ever told him it would go straight to his head"
J-"He sounds like the best man on earth"
D-"No that's an understatement"

Joe stopped and grabbed my waist causing me to stop too. He looked me in the eye before bringing his hand to my cheek. His hand slowly found its way to the back of my head as Joe kissed me softly, yet passionately. "Dianne is that you" Joe and I pulled apart. I was right it is him.

N-"D how you doing"
D-"I'm good"
N-"I knew it was you when I signed up to this thing"
N-"How late am I"
D-"Like 15 minutes late"
N-"I am just gonna have to turn the charm on so she forgives me"
D-"Yeah she's really nice as well"
N-"Well know your just making me feel bad any way who's this"
D-"Urmmmmm urgggg"
J-"I'm her dad"

I whacked Joe's arm.

D-"He's not my dad, you know my dad"
N-"Yeah your dads much better looking, only joking"
J-"I'm Joe and just to clarify I'm not her dad"
N-"I'm Nick if you didn't hear Dianne yell it"
J-"I think I might have heard that"
D-"Stop it you two"
J-"Stop what"
N-"We are having a friendly conversation"
D-"Yeah making fun of me"
J-"No we'd never"
D-"Anyway Nick go before you even more late"
N-"I'm going"

J-"Whose he"
J-"I know that who is he to you an ex-boyfriend"
D-"Oh you're jealous"
J-"No I'm not, jealousy is an ugly emotion"
D-"You right and you're far too pretty for it"
J-"So who is he"
D-"I grew up with him, he's like a brother to me"
J-"Oh so if I want to hear any juicy secrets of yours I should go to him"
D-"Not funny"

Joe leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled away.

D-"It would be extremely weird and inappropriate to just make out with my dad"
D-"That joke backfired"
J-"Dianne you better get back here right now"
D-"Yeah, no"

I quickly took my heels off and started running. Joe was running after me laughing as he came.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne stories:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love

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