Chapter 25

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Joe's POV

Dianne stride out of the water. Oh no!

D-"Joe I-"
J-"I'm sorry I didn't"

Dianne continued to walk I walked quickly behind her trying to catch her up.

J-"Dianne please"

Dianne continued to walk but she slowed down so I could walk next to her.

J-"Dianne I"
D-"Joe please just don't"

Dianne said it calmly. I knew I should just not saying anything until we got back.

Dianne's POV

Joe mentioned children. What! I love Joe but we're on holiday he's English and lives there I live in America. I want it to work but it's going to take at least nine hours to get to either place. I love Joe like a lot, this holiday has been so life-changing and when I think of that I imagine me and Joe being together forever but what if that doesn't happen. What if we don't even last longer than this holiday. I really don't want this to happen but what if it does. In reality, we live in different continents. Well, now I just want to cry! We arrived back at home and I went upstairs to sit on the bed, Joe followed shortly after.

J-"Dianne I really didn't-"
D-"No, it's fine it's not that"
D-"I want to have kids with you I want a mini-me and a mini you to be running around I want to marry you I want to spend my whole entire life with you but we live in different continents let alone countries"
J-"We can have all that"
J-"You can move to England"
D-"Joe I love you with all my heart but I love America, why couldn't you move to America"
J-"My family live in England I don't particularly like England but they live there"
D-"See it just won't work it makes me so-"

I started to cry. Joe wrapped me in his arms.

J-"I love you so much"
D-"I know I love you too"
J-"I don't want to think about this now, why don't we just enjoy the time we do have"
D-"Yeah also just to add our kids would be so cute"
J-"They would they would have a mixture of our eye colours they would have my hair maybe a little darker because of you they would be so cute and talented thanks to you"
D-"Are you kidding me you're so talented and I think you're very beautiful"
J-"Fine they would be a perfect mash of both of us"
D-"Yeah mash potato"
J-"You seriously never fail to make me laugh"

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne stories:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love

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