Chapter 28

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Dianne's POV

I got on the plane. I regretted it the whole way there. It's not like I could just fly to England I have no idea where Joe lives and it's not like Joe could fly to America because he doesn't know where I live other than in New York. We never got each other's numbers, I mean why would we, we were literally living together and spending every day with each other, I'm also pretty sure Joe either didn't bring his phone or never unpacked it, it's not like you get any service in Hawaii and what use do you have for WiFi in the suburbs of Hawaii. Maybe in the city but not the suburbs. The trolley lady came round and I bought so much comfort food, you'd think I'm eating for two. I stuffed my face. Leaving Joe left this empty space inside of me that I could hopefully just fill with all this food but somehow I don't think it will. Joe could never be replaced especially not by comfort food. I was starting to feel sick after eating all of that food. Thankfully the plane had just touched down in New York. I got off the plane and looked up to see the girls waiting for me. Ellie stood there with Nick and Marissa and Emily holding hands all eagerly waiting for me. I ran over to them and burst out crying again. Ellie and Nick held me up.

N-"Hey it's going to be okay"
D-"No it's not I loved Joe so much, what am I going to do without him"
N-"Look we grew up together and if I learnt anything from it it's is that you are one of the strongest people on the planet mentally and physically"
El-"Nicks right, if anyone can get through this it's you"
D-"I don't think I can"

I'm so unhappy and my life is going to be so empty and unhappy without Joe. No man could ever compete with Joe he was in a league of his own in my mind. What did I do?

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne stories:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love
•When Christmas Come To Town

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