Origins: Dark

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"Dark comes as well, though we must be aware
Because in the dark you can be given quite a scare
It may be welcoming, but don't fall too deep
It'll hurt you later on, so for now just sleep..."

I groaned as I squinted my eyes open, covering them as I sat up. I looked around and saw that I was at the edge of a clearing, which had more boys talking in it. I stood up and a screen and stylus appeared in front of me. The screen had a blank person on it, so I decided to design the person. He had short brown hair, a brown beard, a blue shirt, a black suit, a black belt, white shoes, blue eyes, and fair skin. I put away the stylus and the screen disappeared with it as I looked at myself and saw that I was who I designed. I noticed sunglasses on the ground next to me and picked them up, putting them on before nodding to myself and walking into the clearing. The one with the hood froze before whispering something to the boy on the cloud. Cloud boy looked at me and smiled before turning around, hugging the boy that was in his lap tighter. "Hi, I'm Sky. This is Quentin, Rob, Preston, Mitch, Ty, Jerome, and Seto."

"I'm Ian." Everyone nodded and looked at me questioningly.

"What's your element?" I shrugged and looked at the ground.

"I'm unsure. There have been no clues as to what my element is." Everyone shrugged and Quentin touched Seto's shoulder.

"It's ok, Seto doesn't know his element either." I nodded and sat down, looking at my hands as I played with them. Sky turned back around and Ty relaxed into him with a content sigh. Yeah, this was my home.

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