Chapter XI

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I was cozy enough in my corner of the van; knees tucked up to my chest, Nialls' hoodie providing suitable warmth, Harry's jacket sufficing as a pillow. I plug my ears with my headphones listening to music cause the boys are talking about football or something and I'm honestly not entirely interested in the slightest. But I am interested in what Niall is doing at this moment. Probably occupied. I refuse to give into my jealously.

"You alright over there?" I raise my head to Zayns voice sat in the seat opposite me. I just nod and wriggle about a bit. I should text Jake and my mum to see how they're doing. Random thought but I proceed to do it just before my phone dies leaving me inevitably bored.

"When are those guys getting here?" My voice sounds more whiney then I expected but it catches the boys' attention. As if on cue the driver turns around once again.

"Paul's just text, they'll be here in 20 minutes or so- they are sorry for the wait but flights and all" He sheepishly smiles and we all get excited knowing we'll be out soon, even if it's just a van. But we can't open the windows, the screams are loud enough already and the van is slightly shaking, girls throwing themselves at the van desperate to get at the guys. Then there's me stuck in here with them. I'm not complaining though, they're a bundle of joy: funny, sweet, kind, slightly annoying but they're nice people.

I cuddle back up in my corner liking the feeling of being concealed by sunglasses and a big hoodie curled up and napping. It's also kinda comforting being surrounded by 4 members of a band who I think it's safe to say know how to handle a few girls ready to maul a face or two.
I can hear mumbling and mannish giggles. I feel groggy and achy but I can't help but feel slightly colder than being in the warm surrounding of the heated vehicle. I open one eye, it taking all of a few seconds to realise Paul and extra men had in fact turned up and I had been carried through screaming girls into the boy across the road's house, as much as I wanted him- not really where I wanted to be especially if he had company...

"Sleeping beauty up?" A very muscly man walks through the living room door holding a glass of water. Is he talking about me? Or? My hangover was disappearing and I was glad, this is why I didn't drink much.

"Fresh as a daisy" Liam jokes poking me.

"Here you go pet" He hands me the glass and I thank him gulping down the cold liquid cooling my throat. "I'm Paul by the way" Extending his hand I shake it lightly- his grip much firmer and hands scarily larger.

"Nice to meet you, I'm As-"

"Ashlyn, I know. Niall wouldn't shut up about you" He begins to chuckle but the lads turn to stare at him harshly. He probably didn't know, it's okay.

I fake laugh with him. I just can't shake off the thoughts of Niall holding another girl. But I know I need to get over him fast, it's just not easy.

"You guys just relax for a bit while I get the details sorted alright" Paul walks out of the room before I can ask although it's none of my business-I'm curious.

"Let's go simple and just watch a film yeah?" Everyone agrees with Louis suggestion and I'm helped up to sit on in the armchair by myself with a blanket, the same blanket me and Niall would cuddle up in when we had a sleepover, while the boys squished onto the sofa fighting over what to watch while I scrolled through Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram clearing my notifications. I was in the clear for now I don't think I'd been found. Yet.

Short I know but coursework sucks and so does this chapter .-. Vote and comment x Re-wirtten most of the story so yah =D

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