Chapter I

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Ashyln's POV

He was there, plain as sight stood infront of me smiling that cute crooked smile I have missed so much. His hair much blonder now but it looks nice, he always looks nice without trying. I made no movement towards him and him to me we just stood there staring into each others eyes. His blue eyes captivating me as I admired the boy I had strong feelings for. My head suddenly playing a small flashback.

"Ash, I'm sorry" He pleads his hand reaching out to take mine slowly but I pulled away letting the cool icy tears slide down my cheeks.

"Why are you leaving Niall?" I whisper looking into his glazed blue eyes. He just stared back with no reply.

"I want to try something new, follow my dreams like you and my family want. I promise i'll be back" He coos his arms wrapping around my curvy frame enclosing the space hugging me gently burrying his face into my neck, I repeat the action letting the tears soak into his shirt as I cry.

"Please come back, for me?" I sob my arms wrapping around his neck holding my best friends body close as I cried. Little did I know he was about to lie to me.

"I will Ash" I give a small nod againt him and his lips press to my forehead before everything disappers. I am no longer holding Niall and my arms fall to my sides, the spot on my forehead in which his lips had touched was tingling my last reminder of him.

A week later he was on his way to London to become famous on the XFactor, the first couple of weeks we skyped and texted all the time chatted for hours on end, I heard he didn't make it and was coming home... but then he was put into a group and didn't come back, the skype calls stopped soon followed by the texts. My bestfriend had forgotten about me.

I sit bolt up in my bed in a cold sweat, that was the third time this week! I missed him, I missed Niall but I don't think he misses me now he's all famous and has forgotten but I still care about him however much I despise him for not talking to me the past 4 years. My clock reads 6:30 so I get up dragging my body to the bathroom in preperation of school.

My hand reaches out turning the shower on, I sit on the edge of the bath tub waiting for the shower to heat up slowly. I strip off stepping in and shutting the door behind my bare body letting the water soak in gently beating against my back, I wash my hair dirty blonde hair with honey shampoo quickly washing my body and stepping out wrapping myself in a towel. I plug in the hairdryer drying my hair till it's wavy then leaving it because i'm too lazy to do anything with it today, my hands find my lace bra and pants slipping them on before pulling out a pair of light pink shorts and a button up white blouse quickly adding on a grey cardigan. I enter the bathroom again only to apply eyeliner and mascara with some lib balm not being a great fan of make-up.

"You're going to be late!" My mum shouts from downstairs. I just roll my eyes collecting my white shoulder bag, purse, phone and grey vans running down the stairs to meet her in the kitchen. "You look lovely today Ashlyn" She smiles sipping her tea.

"Thanks mum" I smile pecking her cheek and grabbing an apple.

"You'll be home on time right we have guests for dinner" I'm walking out the kitchen nodding my head turning on my heels when she says guests.

"Wait, what gu-" I'm interupted by Scarlett honking her horn from outside, I know if I don't go i'm going to be late so I just hug my mum quickly and advance out the front door into one of Mullinger's nice days where it's genuinly warm. Scarlett has One Direction playing when I open the car door getting in. I don't care to learn their names I just know they're accosiated with Niall.

"Hey there, how are you this fineee morning?" She chirps driving down the road. Honestly I was fine until Niall started singing on the radio.

"Just fine Scar, you?" I say sarcasm evident. She just gives me 'the look' before continuing to drive, the song finally finishes being replaced by The Wombats I hum along to the music as we arrive at school.

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