Chapter X

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We'd been here to the point the sun was beginning to set and we were all complaining we were exceedingly hungry. Ice cream came to mind, I don't think we'd eaten all day. A few fans had stumbled apon the park asking for autographs and hugs, the guys talking to them for a while, they asked where Niall was but I didn't hear the excuse they came up with. 

Thankfully most of them didn't question who I was and I think it helped as apon arrival I pretended to be a random girl at the park using Zayn's phone as a distraction while they took photos- correction I was asked to while they posed with them, but I didn't mind as long as I wasn't attracting the wrong attention.

My stomach lets out a noise, not possibly made by anything human- however is, causing the boys to spin around wide eyed before laughing. Ha ha. I'm hungry. I will rip them apart.

"We better go before Ash eats us" Liam suggests cocking his head towards the van. The driver, a good friend of the boys, didn't sit in the van all day he actually joined in and we were all able to have a laugh at somewhere so simple as a park. We all scramble into the back of the van, I have to push Liam out of the way in order to sit in my previous seat where I had found comfort.


It turns out I was tired as well as famished so a needed power nap was taken only to be woken by screams and screeches enclosing the vehicle. My eyes open widely sitting up and looking around at the distressed looks on each individual.

"Theres more than a few fans aren't there..." I already knew the anwser although I was still refraining myself from looking out the glass and panicing at the amount of people I could already hear- some shouting some absurd things directing at the boys.

"You could say that" Harry breathlessly laughs, dramatically attempting to lighten the mood. The driver turns in his seat.

"Paul has been contacted, no-one expecting you'd accumilate this amount of attention in a few weeks. Your fans really out do themselves" We laugh, no-one really understanding how this was going to help us get out of this tin encasing and into either home. Zayn pipes in to ask.


"Oh right. You can either get out and be mauled or wait till Paul and a few others turn up organising and orderly que so you can meet and then have some quiet time safely." I think everyone votes for the second option. Due to this amount of attention would the guys have to leave early? I don't want them to go.. Not just yet.

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