Chapter VII

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I groan reaching for my pillow to burry my face into hoping to drift back to sleep, I decide against it though and lift my head up, deciding to turn my phone back on after 2 weeks, Scarlett, Alice and Beck came over the day before last to say goodbye as they leave for college, they brought me my results and I got mostly B's and A's a few A*'s though I announced to them I just wasn't ready to take the next step in my education path, I was still figuring out what I wanted to do so far. They understood and asked about Jake but apparently he'd already left to go to Manchester, I found myself not minding too much although made a mental note to text him somewhen. We decided on a fake break-up after his night of crashing my party of one and I was glad it didn't last long, it was a bad idea.

We sat in my backgarden drinking ice tea and catching up. I'd actually got dressed into normal clothes: a tartan skirt, white shirt with golden polka dots and red knit cardigan. It felt pleasing to converse with my friends and everythings happening to quickly with them leaving and me only really having a selective group of friends.

Everything is just so crazy. My life went from missing my best friend who I had hightened feelings for that I was trying to supress turning up after 3 freaking years with the other four lads from One Direction, an extremely well known boy band who were on a break before they had to go back to do a few concerts, signings, events and meetings turn up practically in my front room. My best friend wanting things to go back to where they were but everything spiralling out of control. Some fans had started to suss where they were hiding so security were called in and they were put on a sort of lock-down, how that is possible when they act 5 is unreal.

I hugged Scar tight. Alice and Beck sharing saliva in the back of her car in the meanwhile.

"Don't you forget me okay" I warned, jokingly of course.

"You sure you're going to be okay Ashy" She teased. I pinched her and kicked her lightly on the back as he skipped towards the car.

"You're a bit of a bitch" I accused. I hoped to see them soon, i'd miss them being here by myself.

"But it's what makes you love me" She argued back. I was going to miss that dweeb. "Text me when you sort your shit out babe" After sending a hyped grin she sped off taking Ali and Beck with her all singing horrendously, I shook my head wondering how I be-friended those people taking a sly glance towards the house across the road. A few girls were trying to get past the two security guards outside the front door; closer to their idols so I devised a plan to help them out seen as there were only about 6 of them.

I shut my door and padded across the street barefoot past the girls giving them a warm smile heading towards the slightly less buff guy out of the two putting on my best innocent look.

"Excuse me? Hi, could you get one of the boys please?" I bat my eyelashes subtly to aid my case. The 6 girls decided to then take interest in what I was doing. I was going to talk to people other than my mum, be brave as you could say.

"Does she know the boys? OMG if she does I just can't like seriously" One rushes fanning her face with her hand. I'm losing confidence quickly, if I run now I can be on the sofa in the next few minutes.

"Why would I do that miss?" He remains in a fixed posture an expressionless look on his face, at least he was still polite...

I lower my voice so the girls don't hear as well. "Just could you tell one of them Ashlyn is here" I tried.

"I reconise you so only this once" I feel giddy knowing i'd suceeded. He taps on the door a few times the door opening slightly the girls behind me deciding to test out how loud they can scream. "This girl said her name is Ashlyn, mean anything to you?" He coughed. Harry came out the door a bit more, the screams becoming deafening.

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