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You and your Dad got your bags and made your way to his car and get in. "Gas station?" He asks, looking at you. "What for?" You say tilting your head. "Gas and snacks, silly." He says and ruffles your hair a bit as you smile and close your eyes and the affection.

~Time skip~

You walk out of the gas station with a lot of stuff. You walk out with "Hope you like your new room." He says. "I used to stay there, they have my room there still so you can have that. Slenderman said you can have it." He finishes. You look at your dad in confusion. 

"I'll tell you the story on the way there." He says and starts the car and begins to drive towards the woods by your town, driving onto the dirt road. "When I was young, my parents were abusive." He paused, swallowing. "I got fed up with it... and I...." He paused, thinking about your reaction. "I killed them." You look at him, if you were being honest, you weren't surprised. "Slender helped me. He took me in and sheltered me. I was his first proxy." You smile at the thought of someone helping your Dad out at such a young age, you were already starting to like this Slenderman character.

"Anyway, Slender said that his other proxies would meet us when we were close." He says, looking at you for feedback. "What do they look like?" You say. "Just look for a white mask, a black mask, and orange goggles." He chuckling a little.

You see all three colors your Dad had said up ahead. "There!" You say, pointing. They wave at your Dad and you. "Hey, D/N." One yells. "Y/N! Nice to see you two!"

"He knows my name?" You ask, looking at your Dad. He nods. 

They make it up to your car. "Why didn't you come and visit us?" Masky says, walking up to the car. "Sorry. I was taking care of my daughter."

You sit there not knowing what to do as the masked individuals talked. One rushes to your door and opens it. You jump a little. He jumps in and sits beside you. He smiles at you and you stay silent and go a bit pink, you weren't used to being with anyone besides your mom or your Dad.

They get in the back seats. They give directions and soon you were there. You look out your window to see a literal mansion.

"What the hell." You say.

You all get out and walk inside. The moment you walk in you saw three people there. One with a blue mask, another with a Link cosplay on, and the last with a white hoodie. 

"EJ, BEN, Jeff. If you hurt my baby, I will hurt you." Your Dad says walking in. "You haven't seen us in years and that is the first thing you say to us?" The one in the blue mask says and looks at you.

"I'm EJ. Don't look in the fridge." EJ says and turns and walks away. You tilt your head in confusion.

"Is that Y/N?" Link boy says, pointing at you. "That's Ben." Your Dad points at the Link boy. "Jeff." He says pointing at the white hoodie guy. "Tim, Brian, Toby." He says and points to each of them.

~To be continued~

The Loser (Creepypasta x reader) -DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now