Ghetto Girl + Hot Posh Dude + In The Same Bed= DISASTER! (Chp 16)

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Ghetto Girl 16

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"Urrrghh Euuurrghh" I really hate throwing up, I thought while I hurled into the toilet

When I finished nearly hurling my brains out, I cried. While I was spewing it felt like I was spewing out my teenage life. From now on it isn't going to be like how it used to be. No more late night parties, no more chilling out with my girlfriends. No boy would be interested in a girl with a child. I'll be more depressed, even if I had a boo I would nag him to death. Maybe even, no more school!

I cleaned myself up then went into the bedroom. It looked so empty, I had nearly finished packing, all that was left was Jude's clothes.

But Jude isn't going anywhere with me.

I slumped on the bed, what am I going to do? How am I going to tell the school?

What about mum, how would she react when she finds out that she is going to be a grandma? Tears were swelling in my eyes, I don't know what to do? I'm not ready to be in this situation! But what about abortion? NO! I am against that shit, and I always will be. However, my angel side says "Are you dizzy fam!?" and my devil side says "Its not even living, it's a foetus!"

But it is still technically alive; because it is growing and feeding of me every time I put something in my mouth. Oh lord, why did I even have to put myself in such a difficult situation!?

What about Jude? My eyes were all puffed up and red, he never trusted me. Even on big man levels. I love him so much he's got me on lockdown. But I've never been on smash by a boy ever in my life. I guess this relationship was different from the others.

"Are you okay?" Jude asked in a very worried voice that made me cry even more!

We hadn't spoken to each other since I came back home from the hospital yesterday. I love him so much, and he can't admit that Zelda was wrong. I wasn't Jealous of Zelda, SHE was jealous of ME.

"P-please don't talk to me..."

"Brooke we can sort this out-"

"No we can't! Because all you keep doing is defending Zelda, I have told you already, I've had enough-"

"But Zelda has been there for me as much as you hav-"

I sighed out loud, got up, put on my outdoor clothing's and took my suitcase.

"You see what I mean? You keep on doin dat, big man ting, I've had enough yeah?" I didn't have the energy to screw him or get into an argument. Neither did I want to stress the baby.

I was at the door when Jude suddenly said

"The baby-"

"The baby is fine, three days old." I smirked "You're the father"

"But will you-"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine" Tears were beginning to drop out of my eyes. Cheeky tears, who told you to come out of your yard!?

With that I hugged him and kissed his cheeks

"I'll be fine"


A tear felt like dropping but I didn't let it. It had been a few minutes since Brooke left my life. I didn't want to let her go, but I had no choice either. I didn't even get the chance to speak because she was that fed up of me bringing up Zelda's name.

I was already missing her after like twominutes. Let alone for the rest of my life I cannot stand it!

Awww I really do love Brooke, not only her, but the little one inside her. I was scared but at the same time joyful. Wait what would my parents say of this!? They are highly religious and to find out that their only son had sinned against God and impregnated a young woman when we are not even married is concerning. I had to call Zelda; I really need someone to talk to.


"Brooke is a dirty skank" I wrote theses words all over my diary. Like, she actually got pregnant?

There's no way that Jude will fall for me, he's a good father and he always gets along with children. WAIT! I've got the perfect plan I know I hate lying, but if it's to save Jude then I will do it.

The phone suddenly rand and I picked it up. It was Jude.

"Hey Jude! What's up?" I said happily, his voice was so nice over the phone

"Brooke Moved out" there was silence over the phone, I was happy in the inside but I had to try and show my sympathy for Jude. He was being played by her

"O-oh I'm sorry! But you two were so good together!" I sighed out loud

"It's alright, I don't know what's got into her these days"

"Me too, we used to be good mates. But ever since you came to this school... she just changed" I lied. I sighed again.

"Zelda I will find out sooner or later. That's why I'm glad to have a friend like you"

"Thanks" I smiled to myself "Um Jude? You don't mind me asking but, how is the baby?"

He sighed, I instantly felt sorry for him. Being burdened with a baby.

"Its fine, three days old. It's a big shock, but I will have to adjust to it. I don't know what my parents will say"

I began to fake cry over the phone, this was when to bring my ultimate plan. If this doesn't work, nothing will work.

"What's the matter!?" Jude sounded pretty shocked over the phone

"J-jude I just don't know how to tell you this. I didn't want to inteferre, A-and I know Brooke hates my guts these days but..."

"Zelda I'm getting worried, please tell me"

I couldn't hide my smile, I sighed out loud "B-brooke threatened me to stay out of you business, a-and he said that, that s-she was g-gonna put a needle through the condom in you purse. I-I'm s-sorry that I d-didn't tell you later. I'm sorry"

I fake cried again

There was a ten minute silence, then I heard crying. I was shocked.

"Bye Zelda, I'll call you later okay?"

With that the phone cut. I laughed out loud. I was so happy!


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Ghetto girl + Hot Posh Dude + In The Same Bed = DISASTER!Where stories live. Discover now