Ghetto girl + Hot Posh Dude + In The Same Bed = DISASTER! (Chp 8)

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I soo sorry for taking long to upload, my internet was not working :( MUST shout out to XxTwilightxForeverxX for being the fist one to comment. :)


"Welcome back Brooke!" the school lecturer, Mrs Simmons said.

"Cool miss" I replied, obviously knowing that she hated it when I talked like that.

"I'm going to take the register, when I call your name all you have to say is here or yes" miss then turned to the computer.






"Wagwurn 'b wots popping!" I shouted out loud. Miss was getting really angry now and I knew this time I was going to be in serious trouble.


For I did not know that Brooke could cause that much trouble. She was slightly disruptive, and she was always making people laugh with funny jokes when we were supposed to be listening to the teacher! Oh no, this could affect my grades, and I don't want my parents to be disappointed in me.

However, what I find so astonishing is that even though she is so naughty, she always gets the top mark. I glanced over at Brooke, she looked like what I would consider funky, she was wearing bright trackies. (that's what the people of London call them) and some trainers that come by the name of pastries. Still, she looks beautiful in my eyes.


Oh I hate the way Jude Stares at Brooke. I really don't know what this guy sees in her. when registration finished we went of to our different classes. I noticed Jude and Brooke where walking behind me and I can't stand how they are interacting. So I pretended that my book fell out of my hands and threw them on the floor. I put on my best embarrassed face and began to slowly pick them back together.

"Let me help you," Jude bent down and began to help me pick up my files

I smiled "thank you, and oh! I was wondering if one day we could meet up on Friday and like... help me with my studies?" I put on a shy bambi face. In the end he said yes. I secretly threw in a dirty look at Brooke, collected my files then carried on walking to my next lesson. I'm so irresistible you see. And no one can stop me from getting what I want. Even if have to kill someone to get that thing. In this case, it's Jude...


That Zelda is a right old geezer, I don't know why she's got thee 'ump wit me yeah. But mans not having it like sum likle raasclart.

Jude is at the moment annoying me so much..he just cant stop talking about how lovely that little twat Is.

"Oh and after our chat at lunch yesterday..." I seriously couldn't stand it anymore so I ran into the bedroom and shut the door.


I don't know what's wrong with Brooke but there's nothing I can do about it. I am fully aware that Brooke is jealous about Zelda. She should already know that there is no one that comes before her. My phone began to ring and when I picked it up I heard Zelda's voice on the phone. We chatted for a while, and she told me a secret about herself. She used to have a low esteem, I really felt sorry for her. I told her that she could rely on me whenever when things go bad.

Then I told her a secret of mine, that me and Brooke where living together.

"Hello?" the phone had cut.


Everything was going well until he told me that he was living with that ghetto disaster. Does he know what I've sacrificed to get him, I've stop talking to my friends. I don't care about my mates anyway, seeing as their reputation is about as good as poo. As I always say, every bitch is beneath my shoes. It was a lie about me being low self esteemed and how I get stared at. Well, people do stare at me but that's because I'm pretty. Boys do have an eye for me, but the ones I have eyes for have eyes for Brooke.

And that's why my ultimate revenge has been put to life. I laughed as I soaked myself in the rose petal bubble bath. What shall be my next step?

She's so boast full isn't she?

Sorry it's rubbish, but I cant keep you waiting for long can i?.xx

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