11- rain

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Sophie sat inside, sick to her stomach. She didn't know what came over her, but this was worse than she had ever been. 

She had just been coughing, and vomiting up everything she had ate when Keefe walked over.

"Oh my sweet girl." He whispered, pushing hair out of her sweaty face. Keefe had been taking care of her, since her parents had gone on a trip.

"I'm fine, Keefe," Sophie said flinching away from his hand. "Don't baby me."

"Why are you mad at me?" Keefe asked confused.

"I'm bored." Sophie sighed. She had been staring outside, watching the rain fall and listening to music for the past hour.

"Tell me what you want to do then."

"I want to go outside."

Keefe had just laughed. "It's raining," he said walking to the other couch and laying down, "plus the nurse said you aren't allowed."

"I will throw up on you." Sophie said flatly.

"I'm sure you will. At least I'll get a taste of Sophie Foster." The blonde boy smirked.

"You are the most disgusting boy I've ever met."

Keefe smiled proudly getting up and kissing Sophie lightly on the forehead. "We can order food?"

Sophie shook her head. 

"Watch a movie?" She did it again. "Sleep?"

"I'm only sleeping if I get to have you by my side, and we cant have that because you will surely get sick."

Keefe blushed. "I don't have a problem with that."

"Well I do! Get away from me." Sophie laughed.

"I've barely been able to touch you. It's been days, I'm about to jump out of my skin."

"If we go outside everything will be fine!" Sophie huffed.

All she had done for days was sit on her bed, and be brought food. And if she wanted to go downstairs, Keefe held her hand. It felt as if the walls were closing in and her mood changed instantly.

"Please Keefe." She begged.

"Sophie, breathe." He dropped to his knees, hugging Sophie.

"I can't! It's too stuffy in here, I have to get out." She sobbed, pushing herself off Keefe.


She got up stumbling to the back door, that lead to the porch.

"Sophie!" Keefe had yelled after her. 

"I need- I need to get out." Her hands were sweaty and she couldn't see the handle through her tears. She had just started crying even harder, and the last thing she remembered was her head hitting something, and the world going black.


"Keefe." A voice mumbled.

He jerked his head up, seeing Sophie getting out from her bed.

"Go back to sleep. Seriously." Keefe had no idea how he got into Sophie's bed, but he prayed he wouldn't get sick.

"No I'm going outside." She whispered. Keefe heard a sweater zip up.

"Okay, be back soon." Keefe mumbled, going back to sleep. As soon as he heard he back door from downstairs slam shut, he realized.


He could have won the olympics from how fast he ran through the house.

Outside, it was a bit dark and Keefe guessed it had to be at least 5 am. It was a bit cold and and the other downside it was raining. Again. 

He spotted Sophie twirling in the rain, like a little child. And he just watched her with a desire to kiss her.

"Keefe! Come here it's so fun!" She yelled giggling, twirling and jumping.

"No, come back inside!" He shouted. "It's not good for you!" 

"I'm not dying!" She yelled. "So I'm fine!"

Keefe starting towards her, blinking rain out of his eyes. She was turned around when he reached her, and he wrapped his arms around her, feeling the rain from her thick clothes soak into him more.

"Come inside." He whispered.

"Never." Sophie whispered. "Now let me go and dance with me!"

"C'mon, Sophie I'm going to get in so much trouble for this!"

Keefe took a short breath, releasing his grip on Sophie a bit. She took that advantage to grab Keefe's hands, and spinning him around.

"Stop!" He said.

"You're no fun!" Sophie laughed. 

"You look pale. Please come in."

"I'll kiss you all you want if you give me ten minutes out here." She said looking up in Keefe's eyes.

He hesitated. "Five minutes."



They spun around and jumped in puddles and rolled around like little children for five minutes. In the last two minutes, Keefe had turned around and saw Sophie sitting still on the concrete patio, half way under the trampoline.

"Sophie!" Keefe called.

No answer. He noticed a pool of blood spreading.

"Sophie." Keefe whispered and started running towards her.


"Oh my sweet girl." Sophie heard a voice whisper. 

Her eyes fluttered open and she was in a room surrounded by curtains.

"Oh my goodness! Sophie!" 

She turned her head and saw Keefe. His cheeks were red from crying, and his hair was all messed up.

"Keefe." Sophie rasped.

"Have some water." He fumbled around and gave her his water bottle. She downed it and took a deep breath. 

"Are you okay, Keefe?" Sophie said, with a clear voice.

"I should be asking you that." He chuckled.

Sophie reaching up stroking Keefe's cheek with her thumb. "You look dead."

"I'm fine, really. You've been out for two days. So I've been up for two days." He shrugged.

"You haven't slept in almost three days?" Sophie asked incredulous.

"You almost died! A rock went in you under your rib and you got a concussion!"

Keefe lifted up her hospital shirt slightly, showing the mark. 

"Oh my gosh." She breathed.

"I know." Keefe said. "It's my fault I'm so sorry."

"It's not, Keefe." It all came back to her. "If I didn't beg you to let me stay outside, I wouldn't have slipped on that patio."

He sighed. "I'm just glad your here now."

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. He missed that .

"Climb in." Sophie smiled.

"No I-"

"Seriously. I want you by my side."

Keefe snuggled up with Sophie, careful not to hurt her in the little hospital cot.

"I love you." Keefe said into the crook of her neck.

She turned to face Keefe slowly. "I love you too. My boy."

"My sweet girl."

"Don't baby me."

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