12- letters

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Sophie clutched the bundle of letters to her chest. Four years. Four years of her first relationship where she felt something strong. Four years of the feeling of love in her chest, where everyday her heart just wanted to explode. Four years gone just like that and she could barley even remember anymore.

Her headache throbbed so much from crying. She remembered the times when she would cry and Keefe would come over with just his heart and his arms to surround her and make her feel safe. Now she had no one.

Keefe left letters for her once a month for every month they were together. She held approximately 48 pages of heart felt words poured into each and every page.

Now 2 weeks into her break up, Sophie felt it was time. She had never even known he had done this, and he was going to give these to her as a marriage gift. She couldn't hold back anymore and needed one more thing to remind her of Keefe.

May 18, 2016

Dear, Sophie

I cannot believe you said yes to being my girlfriend. After months of fighting for you i finally won. This is the best feeling in the world you know. I've never felt like this for anyone but you. I cant get over how incredible you are. Your eyes light up when you smile, your skin glows when you force me to take golden hour photos for you, i cant help but notice your a little more happier when you see me. Maybe now I'm just being cocky, but I'm truly so excited for everything that's coming for us.

You're my everything,


September 18, 2016

Happy four months beautiful <3 God i have never been happier, like seriously. All these cute dates, and late Facetime's, all the kisses and hugs. You make me a better a person and i adore you for that. Everyday you are helping through my messed up mind and you think nothing about it. Goodness i could never show you these you would laugh in my face! I really love you and I've known it since we started dating. I couldn't say that to your face though because what if you thought we were moving too fast? I don't remember a life without you.

I love you forever,


May 18, 2017

Holy shiii- sorry. I know you don't like it when i curse. Happy one year. Today marks one year i met the love of my life. I planned to say i love you today, and i did. And you loved it. Is it weird that I'm thinking of our future? I heard that's a girl thing, Biana told me haha. Anyway, today was- i honestly don't have words. Watching the sunrise with you and talking felt like a dream. I think about you day and night. Sometimes I'm up on those sleepless nights thinking how i got so lucky. I seriously don"t deserve you. Your a beautiful, intelligent, honest, funny woman, and i cant wait to spend more of my life with you.

You know i said more in person,


December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas! Little over two years now and this feeling I've explained? Yeah it hasn't gone away. Oh that rhymed! Your parents are so fun by the way. They treated me like a son and everything. The only bad part is when they caught us making out in your bedroom, but that's a memory for the books. Every present you got me was something i will cherish forever. They sweater with your face on it? I'm sorry but i wont be wearing it in public that often. But! You best believe i will be wearing it to bed every night <3  I've been meaning to bring this up but i think we should stop kissing in your room because i swear every time your dad walks in and kicks me out.

I will be yours forever,


May 18, 2019

Happy three years. Holy shit. Sorry i had to. This is blowing my mind. I'm a little freaked out to say this feeling in my chest is still here. I get butterflies everyday i see you! I'm like "oh that girl is pretty i wish i could date her," and then i realize i got you! So i have been thinking about the things i call you, like Soph, and bb, and angel you know? But i see like Fitz calling his girlfriend babe and stuff. i always found that cringy, but Linh says its probably my daddy issues. Like i would gag if u insisted i called you princess, or baby. I'M SORRY! I'm so terrible i hope you don't think I'm crazy. But anyway three years with the love of my life and I'm starting to think i reallyyyyy wanna marry you.

I love you so much it hurts,


April 12, 2020

 Okay. So you know what happened. I'm sorry. We almost made it to four years. If you see stains on this sheet I'm sorry but i miss you so much Soph. I can't express the feeling i have right now, but i feel like my world is falling apart. You were my world and now that you're gone, i don't know what to say. There's no way i could ever in one million and more years describe how much i love you. I couldn't write it, because i would run out of ink. I couldn't say it, because i would lose my voice. I couldn't buy it, even if i had all the money i needed, i would somehow still run out. I will always love you. Even if we didn't end on good terms, i need you to know I'm always here. It's going to be hard moving on, if i could do it all again, the talks, the walks, the laughs, the cuddles, the hugs, the fights, the kisses. Oh my the kisses. I would do it all again and i wouldn't trade for anything else.

Give me one more chance to explain

yours truly,


Sophie stared at the letters until she couldn't cry anymore. She got up clutching on to the words like it was the last thing she would ever have in her life. "There's no way i could ever in one million and more years describe how much i love you. I couldn't write it, because i would run out of ink." 

She slipped on her shoes and washed her face. Grabbing her car keys Sophie stepped out of her dorm and got in the car. She wasn't even sure where she was going, it she ended up at a forest trail. It was most beautiful at sunset, so Sophie jogged down to the creek and laid on the dirty bench looking up at the sky.

"Mind if I sit here?" And all too familiar voice said.

Sophie sat up so fast she was dizzy.


He looked no better than Sophie did. Un-combed hair, dirty sweats, and overall he looked tired. Sophie saw him eye the letters in her hands and tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

"What- what are you doing here?" Sophie breathed, moving aside so Keefe could sit down.

"I come here every night."

"Yeah?" Sophie asked surprised.

"Yeah." He replied.

They sat in silence, listening to the water run against the rocks and each others soft breathing.

"I- I'm sorry. Sophie, I really miss you." Keefe whispered.

Tears ran down Sophie's face. "I really miss you too."

She looked at Keefe and saw he was crying too. Sophie threw herself onto him crying even harder into his sweater.

"Are you wearing the one with my face on it?" Sophie sobbed.

"Yeah. Yeah I am." Keefe laughed. "Did you um," he pulled away and took her hands. "Did you like the letters?"

"I couldn't have loved them more, Sweets."

He smiled wiping his tears away. "I want to be with you again."

"I want that too." Sophie murmured. "But we need to talk about it first."

"Whatever makes this work."


Um hi! Its been four months and i miss you guys <3 this was fun to write and hope everyone is staying safe in quarantine!

1,380 words


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