1 - reading

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One of Sophie's favourite places to go or to calm down was the library. She adored books. Sophie loved how you could escape into a magical world and not worry about reality. After getting stressed with homework, and throwing stuff because of it, Edaline suggested she take a break to read at the library.

It was a beautiful night, so not many people were in the library, they were rather hanging out with friends, or looking at the beautiful stars tonight. What Sophie would rather not be doing right now.

Reading her favourite book, The Princess Bride, it was all peaceful until-

"Hey, Foster!" A familiar voice said.

Sophie groaned and kept her eyes on the book while Keefe dropped his bag and jumped, literally jumped, backward onto the couch, which Sophie didn't enjoy because it scared her, and sent her book flying.

"Keefe! What was that for!" Sophie said annoyed and picked up her book trying to find her page aggressively.

"Damn, Foster. You okay?" Keefe said looking into her eyes with worry. "You sound stressed."

"Well I was, until I came here started reading my book, and I was peaceful then you came a-and ruined it!" Sophie realized she was close to yelling and tearing her golden locks of hair out.

Keefe looked stunned. "Sorry Foster, I didn't know you felt that way," He mumbled. "I'll leave you to your... reading."

He started to get up awkwardly, but Sophie stopped him. "I'm sorry Keefe, it's not your fault. Please stay."

"I- Sure." Keefe said sitting down and pulling Sophie closer so her head was on his chest. "What is this treachery you're reading?"

"Treachery?! No, never! This is my favourite book. The Princess Bride. The best love story I've ever read." Sophie said softening her voice at the end, sounding as if she were talking of a beautiful dream.

"Exactly! Any epic love story you love is treachery." Keefe stated.

Sophie giggled. "Whatever, ya goof. Can you read to me? Maybe you'll love it." Sophie whispered softly tilting her head back to look into Keefe's ice blue eyes.

Keefe's eyes locked on Sophie's lips until he forced himself to look away. "Ahh I guess." Keefe laughed. He grabbed the book from Sophie as she closed her eyes in comfort, and he started to read.

It really was a beautiful scene, barley anyone in the library, in front of the warm fire place, them cuddled up together.

Keefe started to read in a soft, gentle voice Sophie had never heard before.

"As you wish." The farm boy said. As you wish was all he ever said. "Farm boy!" The girl said. "Fill these with water." The farm boy tilted is head down. "Please." She continued. "As you wish." The farm boy said turning back to his work. That day she was amazed to discover that when he was saying , "as you wish" what he really meant was, I love you.


hey guys I hope you liked that first chapter of sokeefe one shots! please vote it really does mean a lot and if you have any one shot ideas please leave them in the comments! Have a wonderful day or night <3

-Bri :)

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