18- future

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Once my head hit my pillow in the tent, I fell asleep. It was a long, tiring day and the whole journey i was thinking- I wonder what sleep feels like? My friends and all their families had thought it would be a fantastic idea to hike very far and camp on the ways. I had to admit it was fun. Keefe, my boyfriend was there and- well, that's where the fun ends. We had a curfew! Camping! I know! By nine I had to be on the girls side of the camp and Keefe on the boys. We weren't allowed to go on walks for too long alone together either. Oh, and lets not get started on the bugs.

It felt as if I had just fell asleep when I thought she felt a tap on my shoulder. I stirred.

"Psst! Space to Sophie! Or is it earth-" A voice whispered.

Only one person would get an easy phrase like that mixed up.

I shot up grabbing the arm that was trying to shake her awake and twisting it.

"Ouch!" Keefe whisper-screamed.

"Why did you wake me up?" I scolded. I scored a whole tent to myself. There was no way I would take that for granted. "You aren't allowed in here!"

"Please, girls and boys, blah and blah. Get up, I want to talk to you."

"We cant-"

"Soph, we're nineteen. Your gonna let a bunch of old fashioned 50 year olds tell us how to live our lives?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever, dork."

"Shut up and follow me." Keefe laughed softly. I always adored the way we went back and forth. Once someone said Keefe was being mean to me, but it was just our banter. It adds spice.

Keefe lead me away from the camp and to a little river. We had to climb over a fallen tree to get close but when we did- boy was it amazing. A tiny waterfall fell down into what lead to a stream. Or maybe a creek- don't act like I know what they are called. Anyway, bushes scattered in the enclosed space and logs sat near the water. Since it was 2am, you could hear the soft sound of the frogs croaking and the ruffle of the leaves. The run of the water added to quiet but loud sounds and if you looked closely and payed attention, fireflies blinked in and out of the darkness. It was beautiful.

"Why did you bring me here?" I breathed. Keefe pointed his flashlight in front of a long and brushed the soil so we would have a place to sit.

He took my hand and brought it to his lips grinning. "I found it last night and thought of you the whole time i was here. I convinced the parents to let us stay at this spot for another night and this was the reason." He sat down, back against the log. "Sit with me."

We sat in silence and i started humming. I could feel Keefe's gaze on me and i look at him. His icy blue eyes made me fall in love with him all over again.

He smiled. "I cant believe this."


"This. You. It's beautiful."

"Who knew you could be such a romantic?" I teased playfully slapping him arm. I leaned against him and he played with my hair. When Keefe had first asked me out i was hesitant to say yes. My relationships before that hadn't been best, romantic or mostly anything good at all. But Keefe and i, we had history. We were best friends and we knew each other better than we knew ourselves. I had started to get impatient. Even though i had my wonderful parents, and my best friends, and all these people around me that loved me, i still felt lonely. Then i felt like i was depending to much on having a partner and another half. I was afraid Keefe would become my other half and then something would happen, and i would lose that and fall apart. Then, i realized it would have been the same if i had lost him as a friend.

"What's on your mind?"

I snapped out of my trance. "Whats on your  mind? You said you brought me here to talk to me about something."

Keefe looked away and focused on the stream. "Well I-"

"Are you okay?" Sophie then playfully gasped. "Don't say you are breaking up with me!"

Keefe smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yes I'm terribly sorry to break it to you like this, but you look like a frog and i cant have that reputation on me."

"No, we cant have that. Imagine you being known as 'The Guy Who Dated a Frog' not very classy, huh?"

He laughed. "No. No it is not."

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I was just," he took a deep breath. "Well we are going into our second year in college now, and i saw that Fitz and Aria are moving in together. We were talking and he was telling me about how they have been talking about their future together a lot. Do you ever think about our future?"

I looked into his eyes like he got my face tattooed on his forehead. "Keefe, oh my god! Of course i think about our future! I have ever since we have started dating."

His head snapped to mine. "Really? What do you think about?"

"Well," I smiled sheepishly. "I think about how we could get an apartment together and have all the freedom we want."

"We could go to Ikea and Pottery Barn to shop together." He whispered.

"Yeah," I smiled. "We could. I think about how nice it would be to wake up every morning to your face and we could talk about our day plans with coffee in hour hands and still in our pajamas, instead of on the phone."

"With the nice smell of french toast cooking." He added.

I nodded. "I think about us graduating and hugging each other ready to move on to the next big chapter of our lives. I imagine us with kids-"

"Wait- kids?" He asked. At first i thought he was mad and was ready to start an argument, but then i saw a small smile growing, and i relaxed.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Kids. What would you name them?"

"Woah woah woah- back up Miss Girl." Keefe said as i shook with laughter into his chest. "We need to talk about the housing first! I think we should have a nice hacienda themed home. We can have a dog and a pool in the backyard. Maybe even a trampoline!"

"Can we have a kitchen island? Please please pleaseeee?" I pleaded.

"With your name on it." Keefe promised. "The kids can have fun decorating a playroom and-"

"You've thought a lot about this." I said. "That's so cute."

A blush made its way to Keefe's cheeks. "Yeah. Any future with you not in it is one i don't want to be in."

"Ugh! When did you get so romantic? You are making me fall in love with you even more!"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Yes. Very. I cant have people thinking I'm your trophy wife!"

Keefe snorted. "I wont let that happen. Cecily and Theo will look up to you greatly."

"Cecily and Theo?" I asked questioningly.

He smiled. "Is two kids enough?"

Right then and there i swear on the last sugar coated gummy worm, that i exploded. The butterflies in my stomach couldn't contain it anymore.

"I've never loved anyone more." I whispered. I brought his lips down to mine and kissed, though when we pulled away I felt my heart screaming- no! Kiss me again!

"No one, huh?" He smirked.

"Actually never mind, I love Biana more."

"Ugh, i knew there was something going one between you to."

We laughed and talked into the night. By sunrise we fell asleep in each others arms, and our futures seemed to be intertwined.

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