3- late dates

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Keefe sipped his soda on the verge of tears. I will not cry, he told himself. The blonde haired boy straightened his bow tie on his all black suit, and watched the restaurant door closely.

It had been over 1 hour since he was supposed to meet his date at the formal restaurant. He wanted to try something more meaningful, not just the usual one night stands he was known for.

Every red haired girl that walked in he perked up, but none of the beautiful, vintage girls was his.

"I'm so sorry sir but we have lots of seats we need to get customers too." The waiter came over frowning. "We do feel terribly sorry that your significant other did not show."

Keefe started to get up and put on his dress coat. "It's perfectly okay!" I said plastering on a fake smile, real enough to believe. "Thank you for the free drink, and having me on this lovely night."

He walked towards towards the door with one last glance over his shoulders before bursting into the busy streets of the city.

Tears started to flow. Not of sadness but of frustration. What had I done wrong? Did I move to fast?

I stripped off my coat and ripped off my bow tie pushing through people on the streets. As I made it down to the subway I hopped on the first train I saw and sat down.

I knew, as anybody should, not to get on a random train in the late night not knowing where you are going. But it's not like I was thinking like anybody should.

As I took a deep breath I heard a soft, small, almost whisper voice beside me. It sounded of strawberries and sweet lemonade. "Are you okay?"


-Sophies POV-

I was startled as the boy threw himself into the seat beside me. I thought about moving seats as he did scare me, but then I caught a glimpse of his face. Puffy red eyes, messy hair, like it was already messy, but still messier. He smelt of cinnamon and lotion. Weird as I liked it.

He was pretty. A very pretty boy.

I took out my headphones and asked him, "are you okay?"

His beautiful side profile snapped towards me and he slowly leaned back in his chair.

"Are you okay?" I repeated again.

He smiled. More of a blush really. "Yeah- yeah I'm all good."

"Well, you sure don't look all good." I giggled. Ugh why was I so cringy and awkward?

He kind of stared into my brown eyes, not in a weird way, more like he was trying to capture the essence of something he may never see again.

I looked down and bit my lip. What am I supposed to say? I just want to go home.

"Um, where are you heading too?" I whispered.

"I don't actually know where this train is going." He looked around the bus. It was just me, him, and three other teenagers spread apart with headphones in.

"Why in the stars on Saturn would you go somewhere in this huge city without knowing where you were going?"


-Keefe's POV-

Stars on Saturn. I think I'm in love.

"Well," I looked away. "I got stood up on a date and got so..." I couldn't find the words to capture what I was feeling. "I just hopped on a train and hoped for the best."

"Hm." The girl said shifting in her seat. "How could you get stood up? You're very pretty."

I was shocked. She was an awkward girl, calling me pretty! "Pretty? Don't you mean handsome?" I smirked.

"No. Pretty." She blushed. "I'm Sophie by the way."

"I'm Keefe."

We kind of sat there for a while in silence, listening to the sounds of the railway and soft midnight breathing.

After a while she handed me one of her headphones and slowly laid down putting her head on my chest.

What is happening.

She sucked in a breath, and I put my arms around her and she relaxed. I put one of the headphones buds in my ear. She giggled softly.

"Haven't you missed your stop already?" I asked.

"Probably." She sighed. "And I'll probably get killed by my parents when I'm home at 4am."

"4am?" I said.

"I don't plan on moving anytime soon." She whispered and tilted her head up to mine. "And I don't think you do either, Keefe."

And that's how we stayed for a few hours, laying together on the bus, listening to a playlist and talking about ourselves. You may think its crazy to fall in love with a complete stranger on a bus, but I love a little crazy sometimes.


Omg hi I finally got inspo! I thought of this while making hot chocolate late at night lol. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed I tried something I bit new ;) I imagined a aesthetic and kept that in my head while I wrote and im in love. I think it captures these characters in a different way. let me know how you feel about it!

xoxo bri <3

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