What the hell is going on?!

"Wait, I know this voice........Andrea?!" I barked.

"Who is this Andrea you speak of? I am not Andrea? I am uhh Adelaide but everyone calls me the Slayer."

"Andrea it's you. What's going on?" My anger was increasing second by second. I can't believe her! I thought I was kidnapped by real kidnappers! Damn her!

The lights came on and I was surrounded with people in dark robes and their faces were covered. I realized I was in a very luxurious and huge living room.

Where am I?

"Sister Gabriella." One of them called me. "Kneel before us."

"How can I when you tied me up like a goat on a chair." I snapped at their stupid heart attacking act.

"Oh! Right!" Andrea, I think said. She cleared her throat and spoke, this time, more commanding. "Untie her."

Two of them from the background came to me and untied me then made me kneel in front of the others.

"Gabriella raise up your right hand." Andrea commanded.

"Force me and let me see if I w—" Before I could finish, one of them by my side forcefully rose up my hand. I groaned in annoyance. She knows I don't like being forced to do things.

"Do you pledge to be faithful to the F.L.O.W?" She said.

"Flow? What the hell is a F.L.O.W?" I asked.

"Do you or do you not?!" She demanded.

"I do not because you didn't tell me what the hell Flow or is it F.L.O.W!"

"Yes indeed."

"Yes?! I didn't-"

"Now sisters, it's time to sing the sacred song of the victorious cry of the Almighty Falcon." She said so spiritually.

"Does a Falcon cry?" I asked with a furrowed brow.

"Shut up. Sisters, sing with me.....Kamustakaravaleniiiiii, nihum...."

"Nihum." The others replied.

"Hili Hili Hili Hili! Hili ni!"

"Hili nu!"

"Hee hee.."

"Hoo hoo.."



"She cleared her throat then spoke. "Do you promise to...."

"What the fuck?!"

"I ask again, do you promise to be faithful to the Falcon League Of Women?" She asked. So that's F.L.O.W?!

"Uhhh, I promise?"

"And promise to never keep any secret from anyone and lie to us?"

I hesitated a bit. André. Ughh! I'm lying to Andrea.

"Uh yeah I promise."

"And now sisters, time for her to drink from the sacred cup of the great Falcon. Sister Delilah, bring forth the cup." Andrea said.

"Wait, Delilah's in on this too?!"

Damn her! I can't believe it.

She went in somewhere, but she did not waste time in coming back to the living room with a golden goblet on a golden platter.

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