Roles Reversed

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After work, I made my way to the cafe to finish up some charts. As I waited in line, I decided to text Shawn.

Rachel 8:20 pm: Hey wanna meet up?

Shawn 8:20 pm: Sure, I just got out of a meeting. Where are you at? 

I sent him my location and soon enough, we were both sitting at the table. He talked on the phone with his manager while I finished the charts. The last one I had to do was his. After uploading the photos to my computer, I saved them to his file and began to browse through them. 

"Wow, my teeth really look like that?" he said, looking over my shoulder. I shifted my laptop so he could see better and nodded my head. "Dang" he laughed.

"What can I say, my boyfriend has great teeth" I smiled. He looked at the photos with amazement in his eyes for a few more seconds. 

"You know, I've never seen your teeth" he said, poking my side. I turned towards him with a look of confusion. 

"Huh?" I asked. He chuckled then shifted his whole body in my direction. 

"You've looked through my mouth a bunch of times," he said. "It's not fair that I've never done it to you". I couldn't help but smile at his stubbornness. His determination was pretty cute. 

"True" I said. "I mean, if you want to then I won't stop you". He grinned from ear to ear which just made me shake my head. Within minutes, we were out the door headed to my apartment. 


I walked inside and immediately ran to my closet to change out of my scrubs. I slid on some sweatpants and my favorite cropped tank top. After letting my hair down, I ran into my bathroom to grab a few things. 

"Shawn, do you want to do this now?" I yelled. I heard a faint 'uh huh' from the living room which led me to start digging through the cabinets. I walked into the living room holding an extra set of tools and some gloves. Shawn was playing with Paisley on the couch but moved when he saw me come in. 

"Put these on." I said as I handed him the gloves. He struggled to het his fingers into the right holes which made both of us laugh. I set the tools next to him and took a seat with my back facing towards him. He sat criss crossed which made it easy for me to lay with my head in his lap. I watched as he looked through the tools and picked up the mirror. 

"You use this first, right?" he asked. I nodded my head as he turned his phone flashlight on. When he was ready, I opened my mouth.

"Hey no!" he said. "I must command you" he joked. I laughed as I closed my mouth, waiting for the signal. 

"Open" he said. I did and he quickly started to look around my teeth. He used his fingers to retract my cheeks and I could sense how gentle he was trying to be. 

"Damn, your teeth are perfect" he said which made me blush. After a few more minutes, I sat up as he took the gloves off. He set the tools aside which made space for me next to him. I climbed over and our bodies quickly morphed together. With his arms wrapped around me, he lightly kissed the top of my head. 

"Rachel, you are perfect" he whispered. I interlocked my hand with his and turned my head, immediately meeting his gorgeous eyes. I couldn't look away. 

As if he could read my mind, he said exactly what I was feeling. I heard three words come out of his mouth, the three words that make my heart race. With his comforting grip around me and his gentle touch, he spoke the exact thing that had been on my mind all day. As his fingers ran through my hair, the three words escaped his mouth. 

"I love you".

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