"Leave my clothes on," I muttered in his ear, followed by a breathy moan.

Miles nodded but disregarded that by pulling my bra out of my shirt. I cocked an eyebrow but he just chuckled,  "I'm leaving your shirt on."

"I don't want sex," I perched myself on my elbows, "I don't care who in this room knows it, I'm still mentally scarred from Peter and anything having to do with sex is not on my list."

"Alright, get off her, man," Wiley stood up from the chair next to the couch and offered Miles a hand up. "She's done."

"And I thought we were actually gonna see Bovino and Rivers hammer," a girl spoke up. "Mm, maybe next time." She joked.

"Shut it, Sash." Miles didn't take the offered hand up, he just stayed pressed against my body which I didn't mind. He was just waiting for his boner to go down. "We wouldn't have done it here."

"No, he would have made her hot enough to where she couldn't say no. She'd force him to one of the bedrooms and we'd just get to hear the pleasures." A guy named Kent teased.

I rolled my eyes at them all and sat up. "I'm going home," I kissed Miles, "I'll see you tomorrow."


I sat at the bar with Wiley. We weren't really talking much but he found some stuff to talk about eventually.

"You really did a good thing yesterday. You know, kicking Alison out of the gang. Fighting her and all." He sipped on his beer.

I chuckled, "what?"

He shrugged, "not gonna lie, Elle, a lot of the gang was unsure of you leading. We all agreed but we had doubts too. We didn't think you'd treat yourself as a leader. But when you did that number on Alison it really showed us you mean business."

I chugged my beer more, "spread the word, Wiley. I don't wanna hear another word being spoken about my brother. Unless I bring him up he isn't to come up in Coyote conversation. I'm not afraid to kick anyone out. It's quite fun to see them beg to stay, actually."

"You know what else would earn their respect?" Wiley took the subject of my brother away. "Throw a party."

"A party?"

Wiley chuckled, "yeah. Since all of our parties are usually just Coyotes, it'd be a chance to have some of your little friends join us. See how a real gang does it." He grinned. "No Key Men though."

"I don't have any business with Key Men anyway." I stood up, "if we're throwing a party we need booze."

"I can help with that, baby," Dallas appeared behind me and he slowly got closer to my ear, "I know people."

"I don't want your help, Dal." I turned away and Wiley followed me. "You ain't invited anyway."

"Hm," Wiley grabbed my wrist, "come on, little one. Let the guy help us out."

"I'm not even gonna invite his gang, Wiley. I still feel bad about Soda and I know the rest of them hold grudges at things like that."

He glanced behind us at a Dallas, "he can get us alcohol, Elle. He's invited." Wiley waved Dally over so I huffed and sat down so they could talk.


"Are you and Miles dating?" Steve sat across from me at Dairy Queen. "Soda took it real rough seeing you two, and I've already heard some things about what goes on between you and Miles now."

I shrugged, "he's not my boyfriend. We just make out," I got uncomfortable. "Sodapop dumped me. He can't be getting mad every time he see's me with another guy."

"Wasn't Miles one of the guys Soda caught you with while you were together?"

I looked at Steve, "look," I sighed. "I love Sodapop. Whenever he's ready for our relationship, so am I. But as of now, and for quite some time now, me and Soda are broken up."

"Aren't you worried about getting pregnant, or an std or something from all the guys?" Steve ate a french fry.

"I'm not having sex with Miles. I'm not having sex with anyone," I sat back in my seat. "Thank you for your concern, Stevie but I know how to mandate my own body."

"Well, either way." He pat my hand and that's when the conversation died out. It was quiet at our table for a moment until he spoke again. "This party, Elle? The one we're not invited to. What's that about?"

I chuckled and groaned, "I knew Dal couldn't keep his mouth shut." I smiled, "I'm sorry. But since Miles will be there and Soda has some bad track records with some of my boys now I couldn't bring myself to invite you guys. You're welcome to come just don't bring Sodapop."

"He doesn't mean harm. I'll even give him a talking to, he'll be good."

I whined, "Steve, don't bring Soda."

"Please?" he made puppy dog eyes at me and pouted his lip. "I'll be your best friend."

I laughed and stood up, "fine. One complaint and you take him home though."

𝘙𝘌𝘋 (The Outsiders) ·Sodapop Curtis· [Finished] Where stories live. Discover now