I sat at a table by myself, not feeling like talking to anyone. I was playing with my food. I then hear footsteps coming towards me. The footsteps stop in front of me as I hear two people sit down. I then hear two people sit beside me. I look up to see Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari and Mina. Bakugo and Mina in front of me and Kirishima and Kaminari next to me. I don't talk and they don't either then Kirishima speaks up, but with a worried tone. "Where did you get those bruises." I look down and my eyes widen. I forgot to cover them with makeup. He is going to kill me if I tell anyone.

"Oh, I just tripped over." I say as I giggle nervously. I look at Bakugo as I realised that he noticed that I was lying. He doesn't say anything though. He knows, he knows that I am living with my father. He isn't supposed to know. This is all my fault. My father is going to kill me for sure.

~~~Time skip~~~

I start to walk to my locker when I feel a hand tap me on my shoulder. I turned around to see Bakugo with a scrowl on his face. He gives me a note and walks off, but not before saying. "Don't open it till later." I continued to my locker. I grab everything I need to take to that hell of a house and start to walk home.

As I walk to the door I open it to see my father waiting for me. "Time to train for that sports festival that is coming it (Y/N)." My father says as he glares at me. I go to the room I'm staying in and put my phone on charge, place all my books and homework on the desk and get changed into active wear.

~~~Time skip~~~

As I am doing my homework, I realise that Bakugo gave me a note and I haven't opened it yet. I look for the note and find it under one of my textbooks. I open it to see~

Hey Fangs,
I know that you were lying about something at lunch today.

And no I am not concerned about your well-being because that can go fuck itself.

Anyway the Old Hag wanted to know if you would come for dinner again or even stay over.

Katsuki Bakugo

I grabbed my phone and decided to text Bakugo about what he said on the note


Hey Bakugo,
I would love to hang out with you
But I don't know if my dad would let me

If you don't know then ask
You can have dinner tonight
Or even stay over


I walk towards my father as he just stares at me. "Dad, one of my friends want to know if I can stay over at their house for the night." I ask my father. He looks at me displeased but still he agrees as long as I do a double session of training with him this weekend. I nodded and went back to my room to pack. I didn't bother to text Bakugo. I changed into a long sleeve top and jeans. I grab the keys to the house and walk out and start to walk to Bakugo's house.

I knock on the door to hear a yell. "Katsuki get the door!" I notice the voice to be Mitsuki's. I wait for the door to open to see Bakugo looking down at me. Then realising who I am. He gestures for me to walk inside, so I do. He takes my bag and places it down next to the wall and takes me to the kitchen. I sit down and he sits down next to me. "Who was it Katsuki." I hear Mitsuki say. She looks towards us and I smile and wave. My sleeve rolls up a bit so I jolt my hand under the table and pull it down.

"Oh dear, I didn't expect to see you here today. How are you?" she asks me. I smile and think of a good answer but Bakugo answers before me. "She probably feels terrible." he says. I stare at him and shake my head. "No, I'm fine just had a bad day." She places my food in front of me. She then walks off and places food in three other places. I tilt my head because last time I was here there only was me, Bakugo, and Mitsuki. Does Bakugo have both his parents?

A man walks in. He has brown hair, he was wearing glasses and looked nothing like Bakugo. He sat down and then looked. "Hello there dear, My name is Masaru Bakugo. It's nice to meet you." I was a bit surprised by the formal introduction that I couldn't speak I was lost for words. He is the complete opposite of Mitsuki, but I guess opposites attrack.

"Hello, My name is (Y/N) (L/N). It is very nice to meet you." After I finished talking I smile with my eyes closed. I open them again to see Mitsuki have an evil smirk. I had already finished my food before I even realised I had started it. "Katsuki wash the dishes. I want to have a one on one conversation with (Y/N)!" Mitsuki yells to Bakugo who was in the kitchen. She pulls me to the living room and I flinch because of how tight she was holding onto my arms. She notices and pulls my sleeves up to reveal the bandages around my arms.

"Is it just your arms?" Mitsuki says in a calming voice. I shake my head and point to my legs and waist. "I'm fine, it's just training for the sports festival." She doesn't believe me. My arms are being held onto tightly. I hiss in pain and accidentally transform into a baby dragon. The bandages fall off because of Mitsuki holding onto them to tightly.

Bakugo runs in from what I guess was me hissing in pain to find me in my baby dragon form with bandages around me. "Old Hag, What did you do?!" he yelled at his mother. "She has bandages all over her body and says their from training. I'm worried if they were from training why would she be hiding them?" His mother says. Bakugo looks at me concerned. He then picks up my bag from the floor at takes it upstairs he is upstairs for a while before coming down and picking me up from my curled up position. "I will text you if I need you or if I figure out why she had the bandages." He tells his mother as he walks up the stairs.

Thank you for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!
If you have any advice about my writing please tell me and if you have anything else you wanna say don't be afraid. I'm not gonna bite.

(=^ω^=)丿       (。・ω・。)

I'm still confused why people are reading my shit.

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