Yes, yes I did.

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"Hey, Sam?" Steve said when the Avengers were all chilling together one day.


"Do you know who killed JFK? I've been trying to catch up on history."

Sam frowned. "I actually don't think anyone knows. There are some theories about it being an actor though."

"Fury might know." Natasha put in.

"Was he even alive in the 60s?" Tony asked.

"Even if he wasn't, SHIELD was."


Many more things were said on this topic, and Bucky was the only one to stay quiet.

Steve noticed this and said, "Buck, do you have any ideas?" Bucky nodded.

"I know who assassinated him." Bucky said.

"Let me get this straight," Tony said. "You let us talk about it for a whole hour and know who killed JFK?"

"Hey, I just remembered yesterday!" Bucky said in defense.

"Remembered?" Clint asked.

"Yeah. You can't expect me to remember everything the Winter Soldier did in one day." Bucky said.


"Yeah, Steve?"

"Did you kill JFK?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Steve threw his arms in the air. "It's a simple yes or no question!" He said.

"Well in that case, yes, yes I did."

I know I said I was in Tahoe, I still am but wanted to give you readers (can I call you minions?) something to enjoy.

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