field trip

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Shoutout to @sian981

Peter(16) x Shuri(16)

Steve(35) x Tony(41)

"PETER!" Shuri yelled as she ran out of the elevator to her boyfriend.

Peter looked up from his spot on the couch (He was watching the latest Star Wars movie, again) surprised. "I thought you were visiting tomorrow? Not that I'm complaining." Then he gave her a quick peck on the cheek and pulled her into his lap. "I'm stealing Shuri!" He announced, like always.

A few hours later, Tony found both teens asleep when he emerged from his lab (read: living quarters). Peter was holding Shuri against his chest, where Shuri rested her head as she snuggled into his chest. "OTP," Tony whispered as he took pictures to show the Avengers later (and maybe ad to the "Introduction to SI" slide show)

School the next day was average. Penis Parker was only said once, but then again it's only the second period.

Naturally, Peter didn't pay attention in class. Thus, he was very surprised when the class started screaming with joy.

"Ned," he whispered, "Why is everyone so excited?"

Ned rolled his eyes. "Of course you didn't hear. We have a field trip to Stark Industries today!"

Peter's eyes widened. "Shi-shoot. Shuri came last night, she's gonna do all she can to embarrass me. I'm going to die." He said before banging his head on the table.

"Emotionally or physically?" Ned asked while they walked to the bus.

"Probably both. No, definitely both."

When they all sat down, Flash and his goons were laughing and pointing at Peter. Peter and Ned, however, ignored it and listened to music. Ned was thinking about how lucky they were to get a trip to the Stark Industries! Meanwhile, Peter was contemplating ways to get out of this. So far his list included: using the vents, only Clint does so no one would look there, and pretending to be sick. But then again, if he backed out then Flash would call him a coward. He also wanted to see flash's reaction when he found out Peter wasn't lying. So the options are:

A: Use The vents, get called a coward
2: Pretend to be sick, get called a coward
D: See Flash's reaction to the truth

So peter picked the obvious choice, D.

He almost immediately regretted it.


"Is that?" Peter nodded at Ned's question.

"Yes, it is Shuri. I am so screwed."

Then MJ started drawing peter. "Hold that expression, no no no! Yes, that one! Now stop moving! Thank you! Now you can move." Peter instantly relaxed. "Care to explain the 'fiancé' we all heard?"

"Uhhh, so Shuri was teaching me wakandan and we were dating so last month I kinda.... proposed?" Peter said.

"Did she accept?" Ned asked, causing MJ to look at him like he's an idiot.

"How thick are you? Of course she accepted!" MJ whisper-yelled at Ned.


Just then, the elevator opened to reveal a terrified Tony and Steve Rodgers Stark.

"Peter... Shuri.... Mad.." Steve managed to say as they ran over.


"Didn't tell..... about...... trip.." Then Tony passed out from running.

"Pops, you get dad to Dr. Cho while I deal with my enraged fiancée." Peter said before yelling: "IM IN THE LOBBY WITH MY CLASS, SHURI!!"

A few seconds later, the Panther Queen crashed in through the window. The suit had blue and red detailing not the black background,"Like the new style for my suit? I made T'Challas pink."

"I do, especially the colors you chose. Now we can match." Peter said as her ran up to her. "Oh, and sorry about the over abundance of peasants, my class is full of them. Except these two," Peter pointed at Ned and MJ.

"I think we should get you away from the peasants. I mean, you are the heir to SI and I'm the heir of wakanda, so logic says get away from the idiots." Shuri said before kissing Peter on the cheek. "Now put on the suit! I updated it!"

Peter pushed a button on his watch. The red and blue suit formed around his body.

"Now Karen can change the color and design of it. I also programmed her to spam the Avengers group chat with vines whenever you shoot a web. Your welcome." Then Shuri turned to Peters class. "Hi peasants! I'm Princess Shuri of Wakanda, the Panther Queen! I'm sure you're very familiar with the person next to me, Peter Rodgers Stark. Peter is my fiancé and SpiderMan, so stop bullying him and have some respect!" Shuri yelled at the poor teenagers.

"Yes ma'am,"

Whooo hooooooo! Finally finished this trip!

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