Chapter 21 : Friends are Happiness

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I love my friends.

That's what came out in my mind as I stared at their sleeping faces. We were in Gwen's room, all lights switched off and leaving us in a welcoming darkness except for a playful light peeking through her curtains. I carefully slipped away from these two but abruptly stopped when Maya suddenly moved.

"Jack. I love you three thousand." I chortled since laughing was out of question. Jack's obsession on MARVEL's superheroes had caused my friend to sleep talk about it. She was always complaining about having to re-watch the movies every single time it was his turned to pick but she's only faking it. She loves seeing his adorable side. That's what Maya had told us last night when we asked about the bad side of being his mate.

Successfully getting out of the tangled bodies, I went to the window and slid it opened before climbing out. The cold air instantly welcomed me and I sighed at the peace it brings. I need this. I relive what had happened yesterday and my heart became heavier. The looked of Ted's face scared me because it was what had happened to Kyle except he didn't feel disgust but it was worst. He felt nothing.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked to no one and wished someone just pull me away from this life. "What did I do to deserve this?" Was this because I hurt Dan's heart when I found Kyle. I did broke it off without thinking about his feelings. I groaned in frustration and ruffled my hair to pant all the negative feelings out. 

Choosing to stop wallow in melancholic thoughts, I went higher on the roof to find a perfect spot to lie down to watch the moon and the stars soaring in the sky so freely. I was so in thought that what pulled me back was something furry at my leg and I almost fell down from the fright. "Hey, you! You almost killed me." I picked up the little furball. 

"How in the hell did you get here?" Oreo meowed and licked my hand. I looked around to see if something would explained how Oreo got here from the pack but it was fruitless. I laid back down with him purring on my stomach - enjoying my warmth from the cold air breezing past us. Thinking about Oreo, I haven't seen him since I was admitted into the hospital for the lethal fall. "What have you been doing, buddy?" I scratched his ear and he meowed in bliss.

"Can you tell me what to do with my life?" I sat up and pull his face to mine. I stared into his eyes but he only meowed. "I wished I was a cat. Then, I won't have gotten in this mess." I scratched his ears and he purred in delight.

"Ouch." He stared at me when I let him go and clenched my waist. A sudden pain came but after a few seconds it was gone as if I was just imagining it.

Maybe I ate too much last night. I tried to sooth my thoughts but deep inside the pain I felt bugged me. I looked down to my necklace and saw it did not light up.

A loud panicked footsteps brought back my thoughts and I saw the lights were on im Gwen's room. I carefully but I hurried down and entered back into the brighten room with Oreo in my hand to see the bathroom door was opened. "I'm here." Gwen soothed the back of Maya as her face went towards the toilet bowl and she was vomiting her guts out.

"What happened?" Gwen explained that Maya suddenly felt sick. "I'll get a towel." She yelled from the bathroom saying where the extra towels were. I ran as fast as I can to get the towel and to the kitchen for water and something light for her to eat.

I went upstairs to see Maya was weak on her feet but she was washing her mouth and face. I handed the towel which she replied with a weak smile. We helped her to the bed and she laid weak. "Drink this." She took a drink and her face showed disgust. "I need something to get rid of the taste." She took the crackers I handed to her and she chomped them in one big bite. "Are you feeling okay?" She nodded before going back to sleep.

The whole night we couldn't sleep because Maya kept running to the bathroom and kept vomiting. We were getting worried and decided to go to a clinic as soon as the Sun rises. Her complexion was getting paler as time goes by. I quickly mind-linked Jack because I'm pretty sure she hadn't have the time to.

The sky had gone slightly brighter when someone banged the door like a maniac. Mrs. Sparke had opened the door and told where Maya was but Jack had already beaten her since he could smell his mate. Gwen's mom had been helping us since Maya's scrambling to the toilet bowl could have woken up the entire neighbourhood.

"I'll take her. Thank you." Jack carried her in both of his arms with so much care that one sudden move could shatter her. "I'll go with you." Apparently, Jack was too much in a hurry that he forgot to take a car and had shifted to come here. In the end, we borrowed Mrs. Sparke's car and went to see the pack's doctor, Dan.

I waited outside while trying to remain patient but I was beginning to be restless at every second. I was staring at my shoes and didn't realize someone was standing in front of me until they tapped my shoulder. "How's Maya-" I swallowed the question when it wasn't Jack or dr. Dan.

The guy was staring at me with a stupid smile and I cleared my throat the discomfort of being stared at. "Do I know you?" He had a familiar face but I couldn't pinpoint where I had seen him. "I'm Mason." He chuckled as if he had found something funny at my question.

"Nice to meet you. I'm-"

"Elizabeth. I know." I arched an eyebrow at him knowing who I was while I don't remember introducing myself to anyone this past few weeks.

"I'm sorry but I don't recall meeting you before." He chuckled but this sounded dark and my body instinctively shivered under his eyes. "We've met but it wasn't exactly an ideal way to meet people."

Before I could ask what he meant, the door where Jack and Maya came in opened. "Thank you, Dan." Jack sounded happy as he held onto Maya. She still seemed weak but her face glowed and she seemed happy. I sighed in relief.

"I better go but thank you for saving me. We'll see each other soon." He took me hand and gave a brief shake before disappearing to a door. "Are you okay?" I ignored the weird guy and ran towards my friends.

"I AM PREGNANT!" Soon the hospital was filled with my shrieked of joy and then came the waterworks from both of us. "I'm so happy for you two." I pulled Jack into a brief hug and he thanked me. "You did good, Beta Jack." He kissed Maya and I awed at the love this two have. "We need to tell Gwen. She has been calling me for every 5 seconds. She's worried if dinner had caused you to get sick." I dialed Gwen's number and she picked up at the first ring.

"How is she?" Maya yelled the same words and Gwen went crazy. She was screaming and jumping - we knew that because her mom's voice yelled to stop before she breaks the whole house.

"I can't wait to tell the others. Grandma would be so happy." She squeezed Jack's hand as we walked back to the car. "I want to make them a surprise." She looked excited even with the pale complexion. "Jack, I think I know what to do and we need to do it fast because we're telling them tonight!" She ordered him and he just stared at her with love arrows coming out of his eyes.

"I better take the car back." I interject and Maya invited me to come for dinner but I declined. It was a family event and a special one at that. Even if we were close, I felt as if I was going to intrude them on a very important dinner. Maya scolded me saying I was already her family but stopped herself when she knew why I rejected the offer. Surely, the Alpha would join them since Jack is his Beta and Kyle is also considered family.

"We could not invite him." I chuckled at her enthusiasm to not invite the Alpha but Jack and him are best friends since small. I'm sure he wants to hear the great news as well.

"Since Elly's not coming. I won't invite him as well. This is strictly family only." Her eyes changed into her wolf as she sharply eyed Jack and threaten him with "I'll make you sleep on the sofa for the whole pregnancy." He nodded like a love sick puppy and her eyes went back to normal in a poof.

"Besides, I don't want to see that jerk anyway." She voiced out with distate and pulled me into a tight hug and said goodbye because I was surely not going to step on this land if I don't have to. "I wish you could have come."

"I know but I can't stand being so near him. I feel like I could go feral." She laughed and tell me to count her in if I wanted to go 'Alpha Hunting'.

"Do you think mom can come here for tonight?" That was the last thing I heard before I closed the door and drove back to Gwen's.

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