Chapter 3 : Visitors pt 2

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Kyle Walters :

The office's air was intense and a pin-drop-silence where we could all listen the breathing from every presence in the room. We were staring at each other while my side of the table had their guard up with every movement they made but these two remained calm and collected. However, I saw their expression of despise when they saw Matthew but as quick as the fire of hate flamed, as quick as it quenched into ashes.

"Tell me. What brings you two over? Thomas and Junior Thomas." Matthew was the first one to speak after a full minute of glaring. From the names spoken, I could easily differentiate who's who. "Alpha Kyle, I came here due to our forefathers causing to much of deleterious in our relationship." Thomas took the floor and began to open up about the problems of werewolves and vampires being enemies.

"So my son and I would want to make a change. To change the minds of our kinds and stop this war from going any further-"

"We do not have a war to stop." I cut in and he nodded. "Yes. I didn't mean actually war where we fight one another till death like the humans do. I've meant the war of where vampires and werewolves are hating each other and do not stand to be in each other presents."

"If peace you are looking for, we have no problem. No accidents have occurred where vampires and werewolves fought or have been killed by one another. In term of liking one another, I believe everyone has their own rights to hate something and sometimes, these hates can be called a defense mechanisms. We stay away from the things we don't like as it keeps as safe from any harm." I could see Junior Thomas's blood boiling with anger as his face began to have more colour than their usual deathly pale face.

"I've been taught, avoiding the things you are afraid of is cowardice. A man without balls." He spat but felt a small victory from insulting me. "However, you are a man of bravery. I could see you have a good relationship with a vampire and no problem has arrived from this man being here." His old man quickly swiftly covered the insult.

"What you're son is saying is true. Without overcoming their fear, they would never have been the things we have seen today. They would not have airplanes flying in the sky or light bulbs to light our dark nights till total darkness claims us all." Matthew agreed while squeezing my shoulder to calm down. They, vampires, could hear heartbeats and smell our blood flowing inside. Every beat or flow could tell them the truth of a person emotion even if our expression could easily hide them.

"As true as your words are and how ambitious we can be. One thing still stands tall. This dispute between us has been more than centuries. The hate for each other has already been passed to the young generation and the hate in us burns an enormous flame that no water can extinguish them with a mere couple of leaders." Everyone nodded. "But constant, persistent and consistent actions may slowly but surely change this world of seeing one another in a new and better light." Thomas remarked and no one in the room could agree more.

"Hate may be the easy way of influencing people in a short period of time but hate can also be defeated with passion and love. However, I would like to ask, are we both committed in doing this even though it would take more than years or even centuries to actually see the big changes?" Clyde finally spoke after listening attentively and quietly all this time.

My beta was nowhere to be found which was not like him to miss something like this. He would always be standing by my side and calculating their every move like a detective. But I also trust him and I'm sure he has a concrete reason on his absence and no answering my mind-link.

"I see no more harm can it do to us than what it has already done." Junior Thomas replied. "So do we have a deal? We need both side to agree if we want this to work." Thomas eyed everyone in the room. "I need to know your plan before I shake those hand." He nodded in agreement and understanding at where I was coming from. Even though the deal was to make the world a better place and peaceful but sometimes it is all meant to hide the lion in the sheep's skin. Besides, I do not know much of their background to trust them wholly just that a dear friend of us warned me to be careful in dealing with them.

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